Come aprire un file KML con Google Maps?

To import KML data in Google Earth on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Earth application.
  2. Select the "Projects" menu.
  3. Click on "Open" at the top.
  4. Click on "Import KML file" to add a file directly from your device.
  5. Select the file you want to include.
  6. Tap "Back" to return to the map and open the file.

What is KML?

KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language. It is used to display and share information in Google Earth. KML files contain geographic data and related content for use in Google Earth.

How to Use Google Earth to Open a KML File

To open a KML file in Google Earth, you can host the file on the internet and enter the URL in the search box of Google Maps. For example, to view a KML file located at, enter this URL in the Google Maps search box.

Format and Usage of KML

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is an XML-based language used in programs such as Google Earth, Google Maps, EarthBrowser, and Google Desktop to manage three-dimensional geospatial data.

How to Import Your Location in Google Earth

To import your location in Google Earth, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Earth to save geographic data on your computer.
  2. Go to the "Save file" menu.
  3. Select a folder in the left pane of the new window.

How to Create a KML File

To create a KML file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the project using Google Drive.
  2. Open Google Earth on your PC.
  3. Click on "Projects" on the left.
  4. Select "New project".
  5. Select "Create KML file".
  6. Choose to add a placemark, draw a line or shape, or create a full-screen slide.

How to Modify a KML File

To modify a KML file, you can use Google Earth or GPSBabel to convert KML to GPX format. You can also cut or edit the path using Mapsource tools. Finally, if needed, save in the desired format.

How to Download KML Files

To download Google Earth Pro, visit this URL: The download process should start automatically when you click the "Download Google Earth Pro for desktop" button.

How to Convert GPX to KML

To convert a GPX file to a KML file, change the "Format" options in the "Input" and "Destination" fields. Explore the wide range of available options.

How to Open a GPX File

To open a GPX file, follow these steps:

  1. Download the track to your smartphone from the website.
  2. Open the GPX Viewer application by clicking on the "folder" symbol in the top right corner.
  3. Choose the file you want to download.
  4. The GPS track will now be visible and loaded on the map.

How to Save an Image on Google Maps

To save an image on Google Maps, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Maps application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Select your initial or profile image.
  3. Choose an area.
  4. Click on "Edit" in the top right corner.
  5. Update the area name and click "Save".

How to Download a KML File from Google Earth

To export a scene from a Google Earth KML file, click on the "Output" tab in the group. Check the "Export model relative to ground height" box in the KML Options dialog to allow Google Earth to measure all heights from the ground.

How to Create a Polygon in Google Earth Pro

To create a path or polygon in Google Earth Pro, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Earth.
  2. Go to a specific location on the map.
  3. Click on "Add path" above the map.
  4. A dialog box named "New Path" or "New Polygon" will appear.
  5. Click on an initial point on the map and drag to draw the line or area you want.

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