Come aprire un file di backup di WhatsApp?

Come leggere il backup di WhatsApp sul PC?

È etichettato Ripristina / Esporta backup di WhatsApp. Questo può essere trovato nel menu laterale sul lato sinistro dello schermo. Fai click su Importa backup di Google Drive. Ti verrà quindi richiesto di accedere al tuo account Google per accedere ai tuoi dati di Google Drive tramite WhatsMover.
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To read the WhatsApp backup on Google Drive, you need to go to the desktop and open a browser. Then, go directly to the Google Drive website and you will see a web page showing all your files saved in the Cloud.

How can I open WhatsApp backup files on my PC?

You need a program called "Whatsapp Backup Extractor" if you want to open a WhatsApp backup file on your PC. This application allows you to access the WhatsApp folder and view its contents. You can also read or save conversations on your computer.

Additionally, people may ask: How can I access a backup file?

This is the procedure to open a backup file:

  1. Follow these steps to find and manage backups.
  2. Open
  3. In the bottom left, select the number under "Storage".
  4. Then, in the top right corner, click on Backup.
  5. Choose one of the options: Right-click on the backup and select "Next" if you want to see the backup details.

Furthermore, you might ask: How can I download WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to my computer?

Downloading the WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to your PC is as easy as this:

  1. Use a USB cable to connect your smartphone to the computer.
  2. Locate the phone’s internal memory or the computer’s root memory.
  3. Copy the backup folders and databases from the WhatsApp folder to your computer.

How to open a computer backup in this case? How to access a PC backup?

Right-click on the saved backup file as a ZIP file, which has the Windows Backup icon and the computer name, to open the backup. Then, after opening the path where the backup was saved, select "Open".

Where are the Windows backups located?

To make Windows backups, go to Settings, Update & Security, Backup, and choose an external drive or network location.

How can I open the Huawei backup?

  1. After connecting the phone to HiSuite, look for the menu > Settings in the top right corner.
  2. Click on Settings, then on Backup. To open the backup folder, click on the folder icon next to the backup directory.

How can I get backups from Google Drive?

To access Google Drive, use your computer’s internet browser. In the browser’s address bar, type the URL Then press the Enter key on the keyboard. Along the left side of the page, select the "Backups" tab.

How can I download a backup from a drive?

Once the page is opened, sign in to your Google account and select the file or folder to download.

How to import backups from Google Drive?

Hold down the Ctrl or cmd key on the keyboard and click on each of the files to download for multiple selection. Now, access the Settings and activate the Automatic Restore option to complete the backup restore with Google Drive. Also, make sure that the "Backup my data" switch is active, which allows you to save data such as Wi-Fi passwords, call history, and app settings.

Come vedere i dati di backup di WhatsApp?
Step 2: Clicca sull'icona delle Impostazioni nell'angolo in alto a destra e seleziona Impostazioni dal menù a tendina. Step 3: Clicca su Gestisci App nel lato sinistro della pagina. Step 4: Scorri verso il basso e seleziona WhatsApp Messenger. Lì dovresti trovare i dati del tuo backup di WhatsApp.
Come aprire il backup di WhatsApp su PC?
Apri Google Drive sul tuo PC e fai clic sul pulsante Impostazioni nella barra degli strumenti di sinistra. Successivamente, fai clic sul pulsante “Backup” sul lato destro dello schermo. Lì puoi trovare il backup WhatsApp salvato.
Come aprire i file del backup?
Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul file di backup (un file con l'icona Windows Backup e il nome del computer), quindi scegliere Apri.

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