Come aprire KML in Google Maps?

To import KML data into Google Earth on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Earth application.
  2. Select the "Projects" menu.
  3. Click on "Open" at the top.
  4. Click on "Import KML file" to add a file directly from your device.
  5. Select the file you want to include.
  6. Tap "Back" to return to the map and open the file.

Google Earth is the most well-known and recommended tool for opening KML files. In this article, we provide instructions on how to use Google Earth on a Mac or PC computer to access the data contained in a KML file. Google Earth is also available as an app for Android and iOS devices.

To modify a KML file, you can use Google Earth or GPSBabel to convert KML to GPX format. You can also edit or modify the path using Mapsource tools. After making the necessary changes, you can save the file in the desired format.

To access Google Maps on your computer, log in with your Google account. Then, click on the Menu icon (represented by three horizontal lines) and select the "Your data in Maps" option from the menu. On the next page, choose "Download your Maps data" to get the information you need.

To convert a GPX file to KML, you can modify the "Input" and "Destination" fields. Try different options to achieve the desired result.

To create a KML file using Google Earth, follow these steps:

  1. Save and share location data using Google Earth.
  2. Go to the "Save file" menu.
  3. Save a location with a name.
  4. In the left panel of the new window, select a folder.
  5. Enter the file name in the designated field.
  6. Click "Save."
  7. Google Earth will save the KML file as a .kmz file.

To import a track in Google Earth, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure all GPS device drivers are installed on your computer.
  2. Connect the GPS device to your computer.
  3. Activate the GPS.
  4. Choose "Tools" > "GPS." The "Google Earth – GPS Import" window will open.
  5. Decide how to display the data.
  6. Click "Import."

To import a map using Google Maps:

  1. Go to the Maps area of the "My Places" page.
  2. Click on "Create map," as shown in the image.
  3. In the next window, name your new map and then click on the "Import" link.

To use GPX with MyDrive, follow these steps:

  1. Use MyDrive Connect to connect your GO device to the computer.
  2. Go to MyDrive and select "My Routes."
  3. Choose "Import GPX file" and locate your track file (GPX).
  4. Wait for the track file to be uploaded to your GO device.

To import a KML file into Google Maps on your computer:

  1. Open Google Maps and click on the Menu icon.
  2. Select "My Maps" to create one or more maps.
  3. Access Google Maps with your Google account.
  4. Use the "Menu" > "My Maps" option to create one or more maps.
  5. The maps serve as folders for the KML files contained within them.

To change the coordinate system in Google Earth:

  1. Use Google Earth.
  2. Choose "Tools" > "Options" at the top.
  3. Select "3D View."
  4. Click on "Show lat/long" to choose the display format.
  5. Click "OK." The coordinates will be shown in the bottom right corner.

GeoConverter is one of the best websites for converting KMZ files to GPX online. It supports various GIS file formats and can convert them to GPX.

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