Che differenza c’è tra Citroën e DS?

Cosa significa DS della Citroën?

Il nome scelto per la nuova fu DS, che letto d'un fiato in francese suonava come déesse, che significa “dea”, ma è anche una sigla che sta per Désirée Spéciale. Entrambi i significati sottolineano l'immagine di eleganza e unicità che stava cercando la Citroën per questo veicolo.
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DS recently separated from Citroën and has become an independent brand. The goal is to reach the level of Audi. After almost five years since the launch of its first model, DS officially became an autonomous brand on June 1st, 2014, leaving behind its previous role as a sub-brand of Citroën. People often wonder who produces DS engines. DS Automobiles is a French automotive brand founded in 2014 as a derivative of its parent company, Citroën. Since 2021, DS has joined Stellantis. Additionally, people inquire about the responsible party for DS engine production.

What is DS?

DS, the handheld gaming console by Nintendo, has played a significant role in introducing video games to new user categories. It features two screens, one of which is a touch screen.

DS Pricing

The following table shows the DS models and their prices in euros and kW-CV:

Model Cost (euro) kW-CV
Business DS 4 BlueHDi 130 Automatico 31,750 96-130
DS 4 BlueHDi 130 PerformanceLine Automatico 34,750 96-130
Trocadero DS 4 BlueHDi 130 Automatico 35,750 96-130
DS 4 E-Tense 225 Corporate 40,750 165-225

DS Production and Branding

Production of the DS 3 Crossback takes place at the PSA industrial site in Poissy, near Paris. This factory, celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, is responsible for manufacturing the new DS 3 Crossback.

From 2011 to the end of 2014, Citroën produced the DS 4, a C-segment car. It was marketed under the official name DS 4 and is part of the DS Automobiles brand. From 2011 to 2015, it was sold as Citroën DS4.

DS7 Engine Branding

The new generation DS 7 Crossback is equipped with the new PSA BlueHDi PureTech engines. Starting in 2019, it will also have a new Plug-in Hybrid system and a 200 hp petrol engine, bringing the total power to 300 hp with a declared electric range of 50 km.

Engines Used in DR Cars

The DR range uses engines from the Chery ACTECO family, which is quite extensive. In the case of the Italian brand, these engines are mainly four-cylinder 1.5-liter naturally aspirated and turbocharged petrol engines, with or without a petrol-LPG bifuel system. The power range varies from 114 to 154 hp.

DS: A Stellantis-Owned Company

DS Automobiles, an automotive company belonging to the Stellantis Group, was founded in 2014.

The Role of DS in Educational Institutions

The DS (Dirigente Scolastico) is the school principal, assisted and supported by the DSGA (Direttore dei Servizi Generali e Amministrativi). The DSGA coordinates related personnel and oversees the administrative and general services of the educational institution, with operational autonomy.

Chi produce i motori della DS?
Come anticipato, la DS 7 2022 è offerta con un motore diesel BlueHDi da 130 CV e con tre powetrain ibridi ricaricabili. Si comincia con la E-Tense 225, dotata di un benzina PureTech da 180 CV e un elettrico da 110 CV. L'automatico è l'EAT8 e la trazione è sulle ruote anteriori.
Cosa vuol dire la sigla DS?
Inizialmente la sigla DS fu fatta esordire come una linea di vetture inserita nella gamma ufficiale Citroën, ma in seguito si decise di renderla un marchio indipendente da quello della casa madre. Nel suo nuovo corso, la sigla DS acquisì un nuovo significato: different spirit.
Chi fabbrica le macchine DS?
La DS 3 Crossback viene prodotta nella fabbrica francese di Groupe PSA di Poissy, che si trova a pochi chilometri da Parigi. La DS 4 invece viene prodotta nello stabilimento tedesco Rüsselsheim di Opel. La DS 7 è costruita a a Mulhouse, in Francia, mentre quella riservata al mercato cinese è prodotta a Shenzen.

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