Come aprire un allegato RAR?

To open a RAR file on Windows 10, you have two options:

  1. Double-click on the RAR file: This will automatically extract the contents of the file to its current location.

  2. Right-click on the file, select the "Open" contextual menu, and then choose "The Unarchiver": You will be prompted to choose where to extract everything.

Alternatively, you can use one of two free programs, WinRAR and 7-Zip, to open RAR files on your Windows 10 PC. WinRAR is a valuable program for extracting and decompressing RAR files. To get started, you need to download the program from the official website.

How to Open RAR Files Without Downloading an Application

If you want to open a RAR file without downloading any software, you have two options:

  1. Select the RAR file by clicking on "Select RAR file to open": This will open the file selector, where you can choose the RAR file you want to open.

  2. Use ezyZip to drag and drop the RAR files directly: This allows you to open the files without downloading any software.

How to Open a RAR File Online for Free

You can open a RAR file online for free using the simple and small online tool called Archive Extractor. This tool allows you to extract more than seventy types of compressed files, including 7z, zipx, rar, tar, exe, dmg, among others. Simply click on a file and get the downloaded file. You can also use this form to get in touch with us, report a bug, or suggest a feature.

How to Convert a RAR File to PDF

To convert a RAR file to PDF, follow these steps:

  1. Visit our free website for converting RAR files to PDF.

  2. Upload the RAR file to the drop area or drag the page.

  3. Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion.

The RAR files will be uploaded and converted into the preferred PDF format.

How to Open a RAR File on a Mac

To open a RAR file on a Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the RAR file.

  2. Select the "Open with" option and choose Keka from the menu that appears.

  3. You can also extract the contents of a RAR file by double-clicking on it and then pressing "Extract".

How to Unzip a RAR File

To unzip a RAR file, you have two options:

  1. Use 7-Zip: Right-click on the RAR archive with the lowest number and select "7-Zip" > "Extract files" from the menu that appears. Click the "[…]" button to choose the folder to extract to and click OK to start the extraction.

  2. Use Windows 10 built-in feature: Right-click on the compressed ZIP archive and select the "Extract all" option. In the next window, choose the folder where you want to extract your ZIP file.

How to Open a RAR File with 7-Zip

To open a RAR file with 7-Zip, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the file.

  2. Choose 7-Zip from the context menu.

  3. Select whether you want to extract the files, extract here, or extract to a specific folder.

Note that the default desktop application for creating RAR files is WinRAR, which is a paid application. As a result, RAR files cannot be created for free using this application.

How to Open a RAR File on a Phone

To open a RAR file on your phone, you can use the following applications:

  • Simple Unrar: A small free app that allows you to open RAR files on Android devices.
  • WinZip: A well-known application for managing compressed archives.
  • ALZip: A free application for managing compressed archives.

Come vedere latitudine e longitudine su Google Maps?

To find the coordinates of a location, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Maps application on your Android device.

  2. To place a red marker in an unlabeled area of the map, tap and hold the area.

  3. You can view the coordinates in the search box.

To enter coordinates on Google Earth, use the following steps:

  1. Use the coordinates for the search to access Google Earth.

  2. In the left panel, enter the coordinates in the search box using one of the following formats: decimal degrees like 37.7° and -122.2°.

  3. After zooming in on that point, Google Earth will display the coordinates in the bottom right corner.

To share the coordinates of a location, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Maps application.

  2. Search for a place or find a place on the map, then tap and hold to place a marker.

  3. Tap on the name or address of the place at the bottom.

  4. Click on "Share".

  5. Choose the application you want to share the map link with.

In the search bar of Google Maps, search for the desired coordinates. You can use one of the following formats:

  • Degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS): GPS coordinates: 41° 53′ 24.8"N 12° 29′ 32.8"E

  • Minutes and decimal degrees (DMM):

How are WGS84 Coordinates Displayed?

The WGS84 system is used to measure geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), which are represented in decimal degrees with 5 decimals.

To enter a location on Google Maps, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Maps app on your smartphone or tablet.

  2. Set a destination and, after starting the journey, tap "More" and "Share location".

  3. Then, access the profile of the person you want to share the location with and choose "Share".

After searching for the desired location on Google Maps, click on the name of the location, which should appear at the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and find the GPS coordinates, which are displayed near the blue marker.

To share your Google Maps location on WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Access the location sharing section on WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, etc.

  2. Press the "Start" button and select the desired option, such as Messages or WhatsApp.

  3. Enter the phone number or select the contact with whom you want to share the location.

To find UTM WGS84 coordinates using Google Maps:

  1. Right-click on the point and select "What’s here".

  2. The coordinates of the point in the box can be clicked, and a new mask will open on the left that summarizes them using the two DMS and WGS84 systems.

In UTM coordinates, the first number is known as the "easting". Easting indicates the position towards the east. The numbers along the edges of the map correspond to UTM coordinates. The map has Easting coordinates on the top and bottom sides.

For practical use, the Google Earth program can display coordinates in UTM and degree format. To find the "View lat/long" panel, go to Tools and choose "Options".

Everything is expressed in seconds. For example, the Colosseum is located at 41° 53′ 24′′ and 12° 29′ 32′′. To provide more precise directions when using DMS notations, sometimes the seconds are displayed in decimal format. For example, the geographic position is 41°53’24.8280 and 12°29’32.0136.

In the conversation screen that now appears, tap on the icon with the paperclip in the bottom right corner and choose the "Location" menu. To share your current location, select the "Send your current location" option.

To share a location:

  1. If you haven’t already, enter their Gmail address in your Google Contacts.

  2. Open the Google Maps application on your Android phone or tablet.

  3. Select your profile picture or initial location sharing to include people.

  4. Determine the duration for which you want to share your location.

Dove sono le mie password?

Il tuo account Google conserva le tue password. Visitare la pagina o utilizzare Chrome per vedere tutte le password salvate degli account. Deve eseguire di nuovo l’accesso per vedere le password.

Come funziona l’e-mail di Samsung? Gli smartphone Samsung hanno un’applicazione predefinita di E-mail che consente di configurare e gestire facilmente i propri account di posta elettronica. È estremamente semplice da usare e supporta quasi ogni tipo di servizio email basato sul protocollo IMAP o su quello POP3.

Con questo in mente, come si fa a rimuovere l’e-mail da un Samsung? Questo è il modo in cui puoi rimuovere un account Google o qualsiasi altro da un telefono Samsung tenendo conto di questo:

  1. Seleziona l’applicazione Impostazioni del telefono.
  2. Clicca su Account e password.
  3. Clicca sull’account che vuoi rimuovere nella sezione "Account di".
  4. Per confermare, fai clic su Rimuovi account.

Come posso modificare l’indirizzo email? Se vuoi cambiare il tuo indirizzo email, inserisci un nuovo indirizzo; Potresti quindi trasferire i contatti e le email dall’indirizzo precedente a quello nuovo. Contatta l’utente per risolvere il problema se ritieni che qualcuno abbia creato un indirizzo Gmail utilizzando il nome del tuo marchio.

Come posso informarmi del cambio di indirizzo email? Buongiorno. Con questo messaggio vogliamo informarti che a breve verrà disattivato il nostro indirizzo email email protected. Alternativamente, siamo in grado di essere contattati tramite l’indirizzo e-mail [[email protected](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection). Come sempre, saremo lieti di soddisfare ogni vostra richiesta! Grazie per l’aiuto e buona giornata.

Come posso cambiare il mio indirizzo e-mail senza perdere nulla? Seleziona "Account connessi" cliccando sull’icona a forma di rotella. Seleziona "Account" e quindi "inoltro". Dopo aver selezionato la casella "Avvia inoltro a", inserisci il tuo nuovo indirizzo email.

Come posso registrare un prodotto Samsung? La registrazione di un nuovo prodotto Samsung è semplice e veloce. Basta entrare nella piattaforma Samsung Members con il tuo account, scegliere l’opzione per registrare un nuovo dispositivo e inserire i dati necessari.

Inoltre, si potrebbe chiedere: Come posso sbloccare un cellulare Samsung che è stato bloccato da un codice di protezione? Selezionare "Impostazioni", "Dati biometrici e sicurezza" e "Trova dispositivo personale" per sbloccare il tuo smartphone Samsung. Per abilitare la funzione "Sblocco remoto", tocca il cursore.

Come collegare un telefono Samsung all’Internet? Configurare Internet su Samsung Android, scegli Apple.

  • Scegli impostazione Impostaz.
  • Fai clic su Reti mobili.
  • Scegli Profili.
  • Scegli ALTRO.
  • Seleziona la opzione Ripristina impostazioni predefinite.
  • Fai clic su RIPRISTINA.
  • Fai clic su Aggiungi.

In questo senso, come posso rimuovere Samsung gratis? Per rimuoverlo completamente dallo schermo, segui questi passaggi:

  • Vai alla schermata principale del tuo Samsung smartphone.
  • Premi a lungo sulla schermata principale fino a quando non vedi le varie impostazioni.
  • Ora vedrai lo schermo Samsung Free se scorri verso destra.
  • Disattiva l’interruttore che si trova accanto.

Di conseguenza, come posso rimuovere Samsung? Ciao, per disattivare la pagina di Samsung O, fai uno swipe verso sinistra e tieni premuto uno spazio vuoto nella schermata Home. Quando tenterai di fare uno swipe a sinistra in Home a questo punto, non succederà più nulla. Presto.

Come posso cancellare le e-mail da un Samsung? Produrre Android

  • Recupera un account Google o un altro account dal telefono. Quindi, apri l’app Impostazioni del telefono.
  • Clicca sull’account e sulla password.
  • Seleziona l’account che desideri rimuovere nella sezione "Account di".
  • Clicca su Rimuovi account per confermare.

Come posso cambiare il mio indirizzo e-mail senza perdere nulla? Seleziona "Account connessi" cliccando sull’icona a forma di rotella. Seleziona "Account" e quindi "inoltro". Dopo aver selezionato la casella "Avvia inoltro a", inserisci il tuo nuovo indirizzo email.

Come si fa ad accedere a iTunes store?

Accessing iTunes

To access iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app on your Windows or Mac computer.
  2. In the iTunes menu bar, select "Store".
  3. Click on "Sign In".
  4. Enter your Apple ID and password.

To find the iTunes Store, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apple Music application.
  2. In the menu bar, select "Music" and then "Preferences".
  3. Click on "iTunes Store" in the General panel.
  4. Click on "OK".

Connecting iPhone to iTunes

To connect your iPhone to iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your device to the computer using a USB cable.
  2. Open iTunes when it appears on your computer.
  3. Choose your device from the options that appear.
  4. If the device doesn’t appear, check what to do in that case.
  5. On the left side of the iTunes window, click on "Summary".
  6. Select the option "Sync with [device] over Wi-Fi".

Troubleshooting iPhone Connection to iTunes

If your iPhone is unable to connect to iTunes, try the following:

  • Ensure that the iOS or iPadOS device is turned on and unlocked, and the Home screen is displayed.
  • Make sure you have the latest software version installed on your Windows or Mac computer.
  • Verify if you have the latest available version if you are using iTunes.

Downloading iTunes on PC

To download iTunes on your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Apple website and click on "Download".
  2. When prompted, click on "Save" instead of "Run".
  3. If you have Windows 10, you can download the latest version of iTunes from the Microsoft Store.

Understanding iTunes Connection

Being connected to iTunes means synchronizing elements from the iTunes library with your device, including photos, contacts, and other information.

Using iTunes to Unlock a Disabled iPhone

To use iTunes to unlock a disabled iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your iCloud account.
  2. At the top of the interface, select "All Devices" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the device you want to unlock.
  4. To erase all data on your phone, click on "Erase" on iPhone.

Resetting an iPhone

To reset your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the iOS settings and select "General".
  2. Choose the option "Reset or Erase iPhone".
  3. Initiate the reset by selecting "Erase All Content and Settings".

Unlocking an iPhone

To unlock your iPhone, press and hold the Power button (located at the top or right side, depending on the model) and the Home button (located below the screen) simultaneously until the display turns black.

Resetting an iPhone

To reset your iPhone, go to the iOS settings and select "General". Then, choose the option "Reset or Erase iPhone" and start the reset by selecting "Erase All Content and Settings". This method is simple and fast.