Come salvare i dati su iCloud?

To transfer files to iCloud, you can follow these steps:

  1. Drag the files from the iCloud Drive window or a folder on your desktop, or from a folder icon into the iCloud Drive window.
  2. If you drag an icon into a folder, the item will be highlighted to confirm the drag.

To transfer files from your iPhone to iCloud, you can do the following:

  1. Go to on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  2. Select "Photos."
  3. Choose the images and videos you want, then click "More."
  4. Finally, click "Download" to download the photos and videos to iCloud Drive as a .zip file.

While iCloud Drive allows for sharing and interaction between different devices without the need to copy or send additional files, iCloud is primarily used to sync your files and store all related information only on Apple devices.

To move things to iCloud, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Apple menu in the top left corner with the Apple logo to move files from a Mac to iCloud Drive.
  2. After choosing iCloud, select "System Preferences."
  3. Set up iCloud Drive.
  4. Use the "Options…" to control which applications store documents, data, and other types of data.

You can remove files that you no longer want to keep in iCloud Drive. Deleting a file from iCloud Drive on will delete the file from all devices with iCloud Drive activated.

You can disable the function by swiping left on the iCloud Drive button. The button will turn gray when disabled. Additionally, the iCloud Drive application will disappear from the toolbar.

You can access and share files stored in iCloud with iCloud Drive, which is located on Use iCloud Drive on a computer on to perform the following tasks:

  • Download and install files.
  • Organize folders and files.
  1. Open the Files app and click "Browse."
  2. Click on iCloud Drive in the Locations section.
  3. Select "Select" after selecting the "More" button.
  4. Choose which files or folders you want to delete, then click "Delete."

Additionally, you may ask: How can I get more space on my iPhone? Find and delete items that may no longer be useful to you using this method:

  • Manage iPhone settings.
  • Select "General."
  • Access "iPhone Storage."
  • Select "Review Downloaded Videos."
  • Swipe right to left directly on the title to delete things you no longer need.

In the Pages, Numbers, and Keynote apps on iOS 11 and later,, and iCloud Drive on iOS 10 and iOS 9, you can view your files. Set up iCloud Drive on all your devices if you don’t see your files in any of the aforementioned locations.

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