Come riavviare Google Home Mini?

Come si resetta Google Home Mini?

Tieni premuto il tasto di ripristino dei dati di fabbrica sul punto di accesso.Dopo circa 5 secondi, sul dispositivo verrà avviata la procedura di ripristino dei dati di fabbrica. ... Una volta resettato, il dispositivo sarà ancora presente nell'app Google Home.
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To restart your Google Nest or Google Home speaker or display, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your mobile device is connected to the same account as the speaker or display.
  2. Open the Google Home app.
  3. Tap on the tile for your device.
  4. Click on the "More Settings" option in the top right corner.
  5. Select "Restart" to restart the device.

If you have a Google Home Mini and want to reset it, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the reset button on the bottom of the device, near the power cable.
  2. Press and hold the reset button for about 15 seconds.
  3. Google Home will return to its original configuration.

To set up Google Home Mini on your Android or iPhone smartphone after creating a Google account, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the device to your home’s power supply.
  2. Download the Google Home app.
  3. Create your home and enter the necessary data.
  4. Connect the device to your Wi-Fi network.

If your Google Home is not working, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Select the device you want to restart.
  3. Tap on "Settings" in the top right corner of the device card.
  4. Select "More" and then "Restart".

To unlock Google Home Mini, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the factory reset button located under the power cable for 15 seconds.
  2. The Google Assistant will verify that your device has been reset.

To adjust the Wi-Fi settings of your Google Home, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Access the settings of your device.
  3. Choose a new Wi-Fi network to connect your Google Home to.

To add Google Home, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your smartphone or tablet to the same Wi-Fi network used to start the Google Home setup.
  2. Open the Google Home app.
  3. Tap on the "+" button to access the Add and Manage screen.

To sign in to Google Home, follow these steps:

  1. Download and open the Google Home app.
  2. Tap on the "Get Started" button to begin the setup process and connect Google Home to your home Wi-Fi.
  3. Choose your preferred Google account and tap "OK" to sign in.

To reset Google Chrome on your Android smartphone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings on your device.
  2. Select "Apps & notifications".
  3. Tap on "See all apps".
  4. Find and select Chrome from the list of installed apps.
  5. Select "Storage & cache".
  6. Tap on "Manage space" to proceed.

To connect your Google Home Mini to your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Select the name of your Google Home device.
  3. Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select "Paired Bluetooth devices".
Come resettare Home?
Come resettare Google Home e Google Home Max Se, invece, hai un Google Home Max, individua il pulsante di reset che si trova vicino al cavo di alimentazione sul retro del dispositivo per circa 12 secondi: un breve segnale acustico ti confermerà di aver avviato la procedura di ripristino.
Come far funzionare Google Home Mini?
Per configurare Google Home Mini, non devi far altro che collegare il dispositivo alla rete elettrica di casa, scaricare l'app Google Home per device Android e iPhone/iPad e creare la tua casa inserendone tutti i dati richiesti.
Come aggiornare Google Home Mini?
Apri l'app Google Play Store .Tocca Menu. Le mie app e i miei giochi.Cerca l'app Google Home.Tocca Aggiorna.

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