Come liberare memoria iPhone senza cancellare niente?

Come liberare memoria iPhone senza perdere dati?

Per cominciare a liberare la memoria del tuo iPhone senza perdere dati, ti consigliamo di utilizzare un servizio di archiviazione cloud come iCloud Drive. Questo ti permetterà di archiviare i dati non più necessari sul tuo dispositivo e guadagnare spazio di archiviazione.
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To increase the memory capacity of your iPhone and free up space, you can follow these steps:

  1. Configure your photos in iCloud.
  2. Delete browsing data.
  3. Store data in the cloud.
  4. Save data to a USB drive.
  5. Uninstall unused apps.

To free up space on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Search for "Settings" and select "General" and "Storage" [device].
  2. You may see a list of tips to reduce your device’s storage space, followed by a list of installed apps and the space each app is using.
  3. Click on the name of an application to see how much space it is occupying.

To restore the memory of your phone without deleting anything, you can follow these tips:

  1. Remove unwanted images and videos to free up space on your phone’s memory.
  2. Delete applications that you no longer use.
  3. Use appropriate apps to free up space on your mobile device.

When the memory of your iPhone is full, you can delete the browser cache. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" and select "Safari".
  2. Scroll down to "Clear Website Data and History".
  3. Click on "Clear Data and History" to complete the process.

Subjective files that are considered unnecessary or intact are considered junk. Intact or unused files are simply forgotten and take up space, unlike most useless system files that are automatically created.

To get free storage space on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose "Settings" and select "Manage Apps" on the left.
  3. The sizes are indicated in the app description if there are hidden data.
  4. Click on "Options" and select "Delete Hidden App Data" to remove the data.

To clear the internal memory of your phone, we recommend:

  1. Remove unnecessary applications.
  2. Clear the cache of frequently used applications.
  3. Install a MicroSD card on your phone.
  4. Store files in the cloud.
  5. Clean the system and free up space using all the powerful features of Android.

Unnecessary files are those that are no longer used, such as documents, videos, photos, temporary files created by still-in-use applications, and other files that are no longer used and occupy space on the hard disk.

To find the archive folder on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Photos app on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Make sure you are signed in to the correct account.
  3. Select "Collections" at the bottom.
  4. The archive is located in the "Archive" folder.

To increase the memory capacity of WhatsApp, you need to delete multiple copies of an item. Follow these instructions:

  1. In the Chat tab, select "More Options" and then choose "Settings".
  2. Click on "Data and Storage" and select "Manage Storage".
  3. Select chats with forwarded items multiple times or larger than 5 MB from the list.
  4. Choose a specific chat or click on "Forwarded Multiple Times".
  5. You can now delete the selected items.
  6. Tap on "Delete" and confirm the action.
Cosa fare quando si ha la memoria del telefono piena iPhone?
Cancellare la cronologia di Safari e i dati Web. ... Disabilitate Il Mio Streaming Foto. ... Abilitate iCloud Photo Library. ... Eliminate e reinstallate le App. ... Eliminate i file musicali e ascoltateli in streaming tramite Cloud. ... Aggiornate alla versione iOS più recente.More items...
Come liberare spazio su iPhone velocemente?
Vai in Impostazioni >, Generali >, Trasferisci o inizializza iPhone >, Inizializza. ATTENZIONE: se selezioni l'opzione “Inizializza contenuto e impostazioni”, verranno rimossi tutti i contenuti. Consulta Inizializzare iPhone.
Come pulire iPhone per liberare spazio?
Apri l'app Safari su iPhone. , quindi tocca Cancella. Sotto “Cancella per un periodo di tempo”, scegli quanta cronologia di navigazione vuoi cancellare. Nota: se hai configurato dei profili di Safari, seleziona un profilo per cancellare solo la sua cronologia oppure seleziona “Tutti i profili”.

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