Come liberare spazio su WhatsApp iPhone?

Come svuotare cestino WhatsApp iPhone?

Svuotare una chat individuale o di gruppo Nella scheda Chat, scorri verso destra sulla chat individuale o di gruppo che vuoi svuotare. Tocca Altro >, Svuota chat.
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To increase the storage space of WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Click on "Settings" and choose "Storage and Data".
  3. Select "Manage Storage".

If you use your iPhone as the primary device for WhatsApp, you can free up space on WhatsApp by following these steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp app.
  2. Tap on the "Settings" menu at the bottom right.
  3. Go to the "Storage and Data" section.
  4. Choose "Storage Management".

To add storage on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the device settings.
  2. Find the tab called "Applications" by scrolling through the list of tabs.
  3. Choose an application.
  4. Select "Storage".
  5. To clear the cache, click on "Clear Cache" at the bottom right.

To free up memory, we recommend the following:

  1. Remove unnecessary applications.
  2. Clear the cache of frequently used applications.
  3. Install a MicroSD card on the phone.
  4. Store files in the cloud.
  5. Clean the system and free up space using powerful Android features.

To get free storage space, follow these steps:

  1. Access from your computer.
  2. Select "Settings" from the configurations.
  3. Click on "Manage Applications" on the left.
  4. The sizes are available in the app description in case hidden data is present.
  5. Click on "Options" to delete the data. Delete the hidden app data.

To manually delete files known as "Other" in the Xiaomi device memory, use the same deletion techniques used with any Android file manager, as you would with any other type of data.

The best methods to empty your Samsung Galaxy are:

  1. Use App Cleaner.
  2. Remove temporary files.
  3. Uninstall unused apps.
  4. Use an external SD card.
  5. Save data on your computer.
  6. Delete downloaded files.
  7. Clear app cache.
  8. Use Google Photos to transfer images and videos.

To clean WhatsApp, delete items by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Chat" tab and select "More Options".
  2. Click on "Storage and Data" and manage the space.
  3. Click on "Forwarded more than 5 MB" or choose a specific chat.
  4. Now you can select:
    • Click on "Delete".
    • Click on "Delete".

The term "initialize," also known as "reset," refers to the procedure in which your device, such as an iPhone or iPad, erases all information within it. Your iPhone will be as if it came out of the factory once completed.

To transfer data from one iPhone to another, follow these steps:

  1. Access the new iPhone model and enter the code from your current iPhone.
  2. Set up your new iPhone using Touch ID or Face ID.
  3. To transfer all data from the old iPhone to the new one, click on "Transfer from iPhone".
  4. Settings like Siri and Apple Pay can also be transferred.

To free up storage space in WhatsApp on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. If you use an iPhone as the primary device for WhatsApp, open the app.
  2. Tap on the "Settings" menu at the bottom right.
  3. This will take you to the same path as with Android, "Storage and Data" and "Storage Management".

To free up storage space, follow these steps:

  1. Access from your computer.
  2. Select "Settings" from the configurations.
  3. Click on "Manage Applications" on the left.
  4. The sizes are available in the app description in case hidden data is present.
  5. Click on "Options" to delete the data. Delete the hidden app data.

To clean WhatsApp, delete items by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Chat" tab and select "More Options".
  2. Click on "Storage and Data" and manage the space.
  3. Click on "Forwarded more than 5 MB" or choose a specific chat.
  4. Now you can select:
    • Click on "Delete".
    • Click on "Delete".
Come far occupare meno spazio a WhatsApp?
Per farlo su Android, bisogna aprire l'applicazione, toccare sui tre puntini verticali in alto a destra e poi proseguire in Impostazioni >, Spazio e dati >, Gestisci spazio. Per farlo su iOS bisogna toccare invece l'icona "Impostazioni" in basso a destra e da lì scegliere "Spazio e dati" e poi "Gestisci spazio".
Come si libera spazio su WhatsApp?
Visualizzare lo spazio di archiviazione Tocca Spazio e dati >, Gestisci spazio.
Come si svuota la cache di WhatsApp?
Ecco come cancellare i dati delle app nei dispositivi Android: Apri Impostazioni e seleziona Applicazioni. Tocca l'app della quale vuoi cancellare i dati, seleziona Memoria archiviazione, quindi Cancella dati.

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