Come si fa a creare un album fotografico su Facebook?

Come creare un proprio album fotografico?

Apri l'app Google Foto. sul tuo smartphone o tablet Android.Accedi al tuo Account Google.Tocca e tieni premuta una foto, quindi seleziona le foto da inserire nel nuovo album.In basso, tocca Aggiungi a .Seleziona Album.(Facoltativo) Aggiungi un titolo al nuovo album.Tocca Fine .
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  1. Tap on the top right of Facebook and then your name.
  2. Click on Photos.
  3. Click on Create an album.
  4. Click on Save.

The good news is that now, with the addition of Google+, Facebook allows you to create private albums.

  1. Go to the album page.
  2. Click on the album you want to hide.
  3. Select "Edit album" to make the album visible only to certain friends.
  4. Configure the privacy by choosing "Custom".
  1. Open the Google Photos application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Sign in to your Google account.
  3. By tapping and holding a photo, you can choose the photos to include in your new album.
  4. Click on the Add button at the top and choose Album.
  5. You can add an alternate title to the new album.
  6. Finally, click on Done.

You can access your private album on Facebook from your profile.

  1. On the top right of Facebook, click on your name.
  2. Scroll down and choose "Photos".
  3. Select the album you want to view.

You can prevent non-friends from seeing what your friends post on your profile if you don’t want them to see your profiles.

  1. Click on the Profile option in the Facebook app settings and add tags.
  2. Remove the "Public" option from the "Who can see what others post on your profile" entries.

A Pixum photo book (panoramic) costs 26 pages and includes 4 additional pages.

  • You can purchase a Pixum mini panoramic photo book (15×11 cm) with a hardcover and premium satin paper for €19.99 + €2.50.
  • You can also get a softcover and premium glossy paper for €17.95 + €3.50, or a hardcover and premium glossy paper for €24.99 + €3.50.

You can use the Secret Revealer extension for Firefox to discover everything you know about all your friends and Facebook members. To use this application:

  1. Open the profile of the person you want to know about.
  2. Press the extension button.
  3. Click on "Search".

Click on the bottom right of Facebook, adding your name.

  1. Select Album, then Photos.
  2. Choose the album to view.
  1. Click on the upside-down triangle at the top right.
  2. In the left horizontal menu, select "Activity Log" to access all hidden posts you’ve been tagged in, those that are not visible on your timeline, and those of others on your timeline.

The timeline will be publicly visible to someone who is not your friend on Facebook. The content you have chosen to share with the public, such as the cover photo and profile picture, will be visible to everyone.

Come creare una cartella su Facebook?
Tocca in alto a destra su Facebook.Tocca Elementi salvati.Tocca Raccolte.Tocca Crea raccolta.Assegna un nome alla raccolta, quindi tocca Crea raccolta.

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