Come eliminare tutti i file audio di WhatsApp?

Dove vanno a finire i file audio di WhatsApp?

I messaggi vocali ricevuti su WhatsApp vengono scaricati automaticamente. Solo se la trascrizione è disponibile e le trascrizioni sono Attivate nelle Impostazioni di WhatsApp >, Chat.
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  1. Open Files by Google on your Android device to delete WhatsApp media files.
  2. Tap on "Clean" at the bottom.
  3. Click on "Delete WhatsApp media content" in the "Select files" section.
  4. Choose which files to delete.
  5. Tap on "Delete" at the bottom.
  6. Select "Delete" in the confirmation dialog window.

To remove a sound from WhatsApp, follow these simple steps:

  1. Touch and hold the sound you want to remove.
  2. Press "More" and then "Delete".
  3. Repeat these steps for all the sounds you want to remove.
    You can remove any type of sent message, including photos, videos, GIFs, voice notes, documents, and links, in both group and private chats.

Assuming the WhatsApp timestamp matches the time you sent the message, follow these steps to delete all WhatsApp messages after a long period of time:

  1. Long-press the message you want to delete.
  2. Tap the trash bin icon.
  3. You will now see "Delete for Everyone".

To delete a WhatsApp message, follow these steps:

  1. Tap and hold the text message.
  2. Tap the trash bin icon in the top bar.
  3. In the message asking if you really want to delete it, click "OK".

To remove multiple voice messages from iPhone WhatsApp at once, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on "Edit" in the top corner of the phone application.
  2. Select which voice messages you want to delete.
  3. Tap on "Delete" to remove all selected voice messages.

To remove a conversation, call, or voice message from your phone memory, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Voice application.
  2. At the bottom, click on "Voicemail," "Messages," or "Calls."
  3. Choose to initiate a dialogue, call, or voice message.
  4. Click on "More options."
  5. Click on "Delete."
  6. Confirm your choice in the checkbox next to accept.

The first issue is that too much time has passed since the message was sent. In fact, the use of the "Delete for Everyone" feature is limited to one hour. After this period, the other party will also no longer be able to delete the message.

After seven minutes from sending a message on WhatsApp, you can delete it from your chat and the recipient’s chat using the "Delete for me" and "Delete for everyone" feature.

To delete WhatsApp messages sent before they are read, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Locate the message(s) you want to delete on the chat screen.
  3. A window will appear if you long-press on the message(s).
  4. Choose "Delete for Everyone".

To remove excess WhatsApp messages using Airplane Mode to disconnect:

  • Block WhatsApp by removing it from the most used apps.
  • Set the date on your smartphone to an hour or a day before the message was sent.
Come eliminare tutti i media di WhatsApp?
Nella scheda Chat, apri la chat individuale o di gruppo che vuoi svuotare.Tocca. >, Altro >, Svuota chat.Seleziona o deseleziona Elimina anche i media ricevuti in questa chat dalla galleria del dispositivo.Tocca Svuota chat.
Dove vengono salvati i file audio di WhatsApp?
Nell'app di Android “I miei file”, nella cartella “Media” di WhatsApp si trova la sottocartella “WhatsApp Voice Notes”, nella quale vengono salvati tutti i messaggi vocali.
Come fare pulizia su WhatsApp?
Apri il file manager.Tocca Spazio principale o Spazio interno.Tocca Android >, media >, com. whatsapp >, WhatsApp >, Database.Tocca e tieni premuto ogni file database >, Elimina.

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