Come bloccare un sito internet da iPhone?

Come bloccare un sito web su iPhone?

Attivate l'opzione “Restrizioni contenuti e privacy” selezioniate la voce “Restrizione dei contenuti” e indicate il codice di tempo di utilizzo. Selezionate “Contenuti web” e scegliete “Limita i siti web per adulti”: non è esattamente quello che serve a noi ma questa funzione è utile allo scopo.
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To block unwanted websites on your device, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Usage Time" in the Settings.
  2. Click on "Content & Privacy Restrictions" and copy the Usage Time code.
  3. Select the content restrictions and access web content.
  4. Choose either "Unlimited Access," "Only Allowed Websites," or "Only Adult Websites."

Blocking Websites on Google Chrome

To block access to unwanted websites on Google Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Access the desired website on Google Chrome.
  2. Wait for the page to load and choose the option "Block this site."
  3. The website will be immediately blocked, and a warning message will appear whenever you try to access it.

Blocking Pornographic Websites on iPhone

To block pornographic websites on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Settings," then "General," and then "Website Restrictions."
  2. Choose from the available options: "Block All" (to block all websites), "Block Adult Websites Only" (to limit adult content), or "Block Specific Websites Only."

Blocking Unwanted Websites on Safari

To block unwanted websites using Safari, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the Exceptions tab and click on the "Add Exception" button.
  2. Enter the website address you want to block in the "Add Websites" text field.
  3. Finally, click on the Block and Save buttons to confirm the changes.

Blocking Websites on Google Chrome for iPhone

To block websites on Google Chrome for iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings, then choose General, and then Restrictions.
  2. Enter the code to access the section.
  3. Visit the websites once you are inside the restrictions.

Blocking Websites Inaccessible to Children

To block websites that prohibit access to children, follow these steps:

  1. Configure Parental Control in Google Chrome.
  2. Open the Family Link application, which allows you to control multiple Google Chrome accounts.
  3. Choose your child’s profile.
  4. Go to "Settings," "Manage settings," and "Filters on Google Chrome."

Blocking Adult Websites on Google Chrome

To block adult websites on Google Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on "Add Website" in the "Never Allow" menu to enter the URL of the adult website you want to block.
  2. The system will save the website after typing "Done."
  3. To add all the adult websites you want to block on Google Chrome, follow this process.

Blocking Adult Content Websites

To block websites containing adult material, follow these steps:

  1. Choose "Settings" from the menu and click on "Hide Explicit Results."
  2. Activate the SafeSearch filter by pressing the toggle switch in the top right corner.
  3. This way, the Google application will avoid displaying explicit adult websites and results.

How to Unblock Adult Websites on iPhone

To unblock adult websites on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Settings" app on your iPhone and scroll down to the "Screen Time" section.
  2. Click on "Content & Privacy Restrictions" and then on "Content Restrictions."
  3. Select "Web Content" and choose "Limit Adult Websites."
  4. The websites you have added to the "NEVER ALLOW" section will be listed under this tab.

How to Protect Safari

To enable private browsing on iOS, follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click on the Tabs button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Find the "Tabs" menu at the bottom of the screen.
  4. To open a new Private Browsing window, select "Private."
Come negare l'accesso ad un sito web su iPhone?
Per bloccare i siti Web su iPhone Chrome, utilizza la funzione Screen Time di iOS. Vai su Impostazioni >, Tempo di utilizzo >, Restrizioni contenuti e privacy >, Restrizioni contenuti >, Contenuti Web e seleziona "Limita siti Web per adulti" o "Solo siti Web consentiti". Aggiungi siti specifici in "Non consentire mai".
Come bloccare un sito web su Safari?
Nell'app Safari sul Mac, usa le impostazioni Privacy per rimuovere o bloccare i dati che i siti web possono usare per monitorare la tua navigazione in Safari. Per modificare queste impostazioni, scegli Safari >, Impostazioni, quindi fai clic su Privacy.
Come bloccare l'accesso ad alcuni siti Internet?
Per bandire i siti web dal computer, utilizza la funzione di blocco dei siti di Chrome. Apri le impostazioni, vai su “Impostazioni sito” e aggiungi il sito alla voce “Bloccati”. Facile ed efficace!

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