Come aprire il vano SIM senza chiavetta?

Come aprire il cassettino della SIM?

Con il telefono rivolto verso il basso, infilare l'unghia nella fessura che si trova sul bordo inferiore. Piegare la cover finché non si apre e rimuoverla. Far scorrere la scheda nano-SIM nello slot della SIM con l'area dei contatti in metallo rivolta verso il basso finché non si blocca in posizione.
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If you don’t have an office staple, you can try using a stapler point to release the dedicated SIM housing.

  • How can I remove the SIM using the stapler?
    To remove it, insert a SIM card removal tool or a staple into the hole next to the tray. Do not push the iPhone too hard. For assistance, take the device to your carrier’s store or an Apple Store.

  • How does the SIM tray work?
    The package contains a pin that you need to insert upward into the small hole on the left side of your phone. Apply light pressure to the hole until you see the tray come out.

  • How can I open the Samsung SIM card?
    To insert the SIM into your Galaxy phone or tablet with an integrated battery, turn off the phone and insert the metal staple perpendicularly into the SIM tray hole, located along the edge of the device.

    1. Gently pull out the tray.
  • Where is the Samsung SIM?
    In the middle of the left edge of the device of single SIM Samsung models, you will find the card slot. To remove the SIM tray, insert the metal end into the designated hole and apply slight pressure.

  • How can I remove the SIM tray?
    There is a pin inside the box that can be used to open the SIM tray. If you insert and push it, the SIM will come out. It includes a pin that needs to be inserted and pressed into the hole next to the tray. Insert the provided pin and pull it out of the tray.

  • What does the SIM slot mean in this context?
    One slot is for the first SIM, while the other can be used for a second SIM or a Micro SD card.

  • Also, how can I unlock the iPhone 6 SIM tray without a staple?
    Use a sewing needle or a pin. It is possible to remove the SIM from the housing using "grandmother’s" tools as well. A pin or sewing needle has the right size to fit into the hole that allows the SIM tray to come out.

  • What should I do if the iPhone does not read the SIM?

    1. An iPhone is unable to read the SIM: What should I do?
    2. Check if your phone plan is active.
    3. Update the iPhone to the latest version of iOS.
    4. Restore the phone.
    5. Remove the SIM and reinsert it.
    6. Make sure Apple services are working.
    7. Restore network settings.
  • How can I change the PIN code?
    The SIM PIN code can consist of four or eight digits. Tap on Settings, Security, and SIM Lock to change the PIN code. Tap on Change SIM PIN on the SIM card you have chosen.

Come fare se non si apre lo sportello della SIM?
Usare un punto da spillatrice. Se non hai a disposizione una graffetta da ufficio, puoi tentare di sganciare l'alloggiamento dedicato alla SIM usando un punto da spillatrice.
Come aprire una SIM?
Aprire la cover posteriore: inserire le unghie nella giunzione tra la cover e il display e piegare la cover finché non si apre. Se la batteria si trova nel telefono, estrarla. Far scorrere la scheda nano-SIM nello slot della SIM con l'area dei contatti rivolta verso il basso.
Come togliere la SIM con la graffetta?
1 Inserisci la graffetta di metallo perpendicolarmente nel foro del cassettino SIM per estrarlo. Potresti udire un leggero “click” accompagnare la fuoriuscita del cassettino. 2 Estrai delicatamente il cassettino. 3 Rimuovi la SIM o USIM card.

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