Come fare PowerPoint dal telefono?

Come si fa un PowerPoint sul cellulare?

Presentazioni Google (Android/iOS/iPadOS) Un'altra app davvero molto valida per poter aprire file PowerPoint in maniera del tutto gratuita è Presentazione Google, disponibile al download sul sul Play Store di Android che sull'App Store di iOS/iPadOS. L'app è completamente priva di banner pubblicitari.
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Installing and Using PowerPoint App

If you prefer to use the official PowerPoint application, follow these steps:

  1. Install and launch the application on your Android, iOS, or iPadOS device.
  2. Sign in to your Microsoft account.
  3. Choose whether to create a new document by pressing the (+) button or edit an existing document by clicking on the folder icon.

Choosing a Presentation Theme

A presentation theme consists of predefined colors, font types, and visual effects that give slides a professional look. Using a theme ensures a harmonious appearance for your presentation.

Downloading PowerPoint 2021 for Free

To download PowerPoint 2021 without paying, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Download" button in the sidebar.
  2. Select the "GET OFFICE" button.
  3. Choose the option to try Office for free for a month.
  4. Click on the "Try a month for free" button.
  5. Create a new Microsoft account or sign in to your existing account.

Cost of PowerPoint

A Microsoft 365 subscription costs 7 euros per month for one computer or 10 euros per month for six computers. The cost of using PowerPoint may vary depending on the subscription plan.

Alternatives to PowerPoint

If you are looking for alternatives to PowerPoint, consider using Prezi, Haiku Deck, Google Slides, Slides, Sway, or PowToon. These are some of the best alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint.

Structural View of PowerPoint

The structural view of PowerPoint allows you to:

  • Apply formatting changes.
  • Get an overview of the presentation.
  • Rearrange the sequence of slides or bullet points.
  • Make general modifications.

Consider the number of slides needed when creating the structure of your presentation.

Applying a Layout Scheme to Slides

To apply a layout scheme to all slides:

  1. Select "Home" and then "Layout."
  2. Choose the desired layout that includes placeholders for text, videos, images, charts, shapes, clip art, and backgrounds.
  3. Select the slide you want to modify.

Creating PowerPoint on iPhone

To create a PowerPoint presentation on an iPhone:

  • Choose one of the following options from the list:
    • Open or edit previous presentations.
    • Examples: Select the Templates menu.
    • Create: Create a presentation with no content.

Creating PowerPoint on a Tablet

Other applications to create PowerPoint presentations on tablets include:

  • AndroidOpen Office, which is a modified version of LibreOffice for Android operating system.
  • WPS Office, an excellent application for creating PowerPoint on smartphones and tablets.
  • Polaris Office, an app that allows you to create PowerPoint presentations using mobile devices.

Understanding a Theme

A theme is an assignment where students express their personal opinions on a topic provided by the professor. It is based not so much on in-depth research but on the ability to reflect on the world and our daily lives.

Che app si usa per fare un PowerPoint?
Create presentazioni da zero o iniziare con un modello dal design professionale e completamente personalizzabile di Microsoft Create.
Come si fa a fare un PowerPoint?
Passare a In alternativa, accedere a, selezionare il #x1Microsoft 365 'icona di avvio delle app e quindi selezionare PowerPoint. Selezionare Nuova presentazione vuota, aprire un file recenti , selezionare uno dei temi o iniziare con un modello di presentazione.
Come fare se non si ha PowerPoint?
Google Slides è l'alternativa PowerPoint più popolare perché è completamente gratuita con un account Google. Una volta effettuato l'accesso a Google, Slides è disponibile in qualsiasi momento, anche dalla dashboard e-mail. Il processo di progettazione sulle diapositive di Google è semplice e diretto.

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