Come velocizzare Safari su iPhone?

Come velocizzare Safari iPhone?

Avvia l'app Impostazioni su iPhone o iPad,Recati nella sezione Safari,Fai tap su Cancella dati siti web e cronologia,Effettua la Cancellazione dati e cronologia,Nella stessa schermata fai tap su Avanzate,Disattiva JavaScript.
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  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Go to the Safari section.
  3. Tap on Clear Website Data and History.
  4. Confirm the deletion of the history and data.
  5. Click on Advanced in the same screen.
  6. Remove JavaScript.

Furthermore, people ask: What can I do if my Mac is slow? Is my Mac slow? Here are 10 ways to speed it up:

  • Delete unused desktop icons.
  • Organize files and folders.
  • Restore permissions for the disk.
  • Restore the disk.
  • Disable automatic app startup.
  • Install the latest macOS updates.
  • Clean the hard disk.
  • Reset SMC and PRAM.

What are Mac cache files? Essentially, the cache is a memory area where technical data is stored when an application, browser, or system performs a task. Cache files play an important role in "shortening" a task so that it can be executed faster next time.

Regardless, how can I view the complete Safari history? In the browsing history, you can easily find the web pages you have visited. Choose History in the Safari application for Mac and select "Show All History". In the top-right corner of the window, enter your search terms. The question also arises: How can I view the history? To view the history in Google Chrome on Windows, follow this method: Click the (⋮) button in the top-right and choose History > History from the menu. Alternatively, press the Ctrl+H keyboard shortcut.

How can I view the history of visited sites? To view the history, tap More in the top-right. If you see the address bar at the bottom, scroll up.

  • Tap the corresponding entry to access a website. Tap and hold the appropriate entry to open the website in a new tab.

What are the results if I delete the cache? Browsers like Chrome store some website data in cookies and cache. You can resolve issues like loading or formatting problems on websites by clearing the cache and deleting cookies.

How to clear app cache on Android? You need to access the device settings and then the list of applications to clear the cache of individual apps.

  • At this point, you can simply choose the problematic application, view its storage options, and finally clear the cache.

What are app caches considering this? The Android app cache is where the operating system stores a large number of files used by applications. Over time, this cache can become very heavy and take up valuable memory space on your smartphone, especially if you are used to downloading many apps from the Play Store.

How to remove WhatsApp memories? You can do this selectively by choosing only certain files or conversations. On Android, to do this, open the application and tap on the three vertical dots in the top-right. Then, go to Settings and choose Storage and Data and Manage Storage.

Come aumentare la velocità di internet su iPhone?
Cambiare i server DNS.Usare un browser veloce.Verificare che non ci siano VPN in funzione.Verificare la copertura di rete.In caso di problemi.
Come ottimizzare Safari?
Apri Safari, clicca su Preferenze.Clicca su Avanzate, poi Mostra Menu di Sviluppo.Clicca su Controlla Menu di Sviluppo e Svuota Caches.
Come rendere iPhone più veloce?
Riavviate il telefono. ... Chiudete le app attive in background. ... Eliminate le app inutilizzate. ... Eliminazione Widget. ... Disattivate il risparmio energetico. ... Bloccate le animazioni grafiche.

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