Come non ricevere messaggi su Messenger senza bloccare?

Come fare per non far arrivare i messaggi su Messenger?

Infatti, una volta che essa ti avrà inviato il primo messaggio, tu potrai premere sul bottone (…) situato in alto a destra, selezionare le voci Blocca >, Blocca messaggi e chiamate >, Blocca e il gioco è fatto. La persona verrà bloccata su Messenger (ma non su Facebook).
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To block messages on Facebook Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Search for the Messenger option and open it.
  3. Open the Notifications menu.
  4. Uncheck the Allow Notifications option to block the reception of ads.

By blocking notifications on Facebook, you not only prevent the blocked user from contacting you on Messenger, but you also won’t be able to see their latest status updates or access information.

To avoid message requests, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Messenger app.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Open Notifications.
  4. Find the "Direct Messages" section.
  5. Click No for the "Message Requests" option to avoid receiving message requests.

Blocking messages on Facebook Messenger is as easy as following these steps:

  1. Start a conversation with the person you want to block from the chat.
  2. Select their name at the top of the conversation.
  3. Scroll down and select Block.
  4. Confirm the block by tapping Block again.

Who can send you messages on Messenger? People who have your phone number in their contacts list and friends on Facebook. Keep in mind that someone who has your phone number may not necessarily be an Instagram contact or a Facebook friend who is contacting you.

To modify who can contact you via Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Choose Privacy.
  3. In the "Who Can Contact Me" section, click Edit next to the "Who Can Send You Friend Requests?" option.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select Friends of Friends.

What does someone who is blocked on Messenger see? If your messages have been blocked, you will see the message "This person is unavailable at the moment" in the chat field where you just wrote. This can happen if the user has deactivated their Facebook account, blocked you completely, or deactivated your Facebook account.

How long does it take to block messages on Messenger? Blocking messages on Messenger can last from hours to days. Improper use of the function can lead to permanent deactivation of your account, so be cautious when you are allowed to use it again.

How long does it take to block messages on Facebook? Please note that if this happens again, Facebook will prevent you from posting content for a certain period of time. It starts with a 12-hour interval in which you can fully reuse the platform. A new violation results in a 24-hour block, which can subsequently increase to 3 days, a week, 15 days, 30 days, and so on.

How can message sending be blocked on Instagram? Access Settings, then Notifications, and select Direct Messages and Group Requests by clicking on the three lines at the top right of the menu. In this case, select the No option.

Come faccio a non farmi inviare messaggi su Messenger?
Tocca in alto a destra.Seleziona la conversazione con il profilo che vuoi bloccare.Tocca in alto a destra.Tocca Blocca [nome], quindi Blocca messaggi e chiamate.
Come si fa a non ricevere messaggi su Messenger?
Come bloccare qualcuno: Passo 1 - da Gatto , premi a lungo la chat della persona che desideri bloccare e tocca Bloccare. Passo 2 - Blocca l'utente solo su Messaggero o anche bloccarli Facebook.
Come si fa a ignorare i messaggi su Messenger?
Nel caso dovessi ripensarci, potrai attivare nuovamente la funzione per ignorare i messaggi recandoti nella schermata principale di Messenger, effettuando una pressione prolungata sulla conversazione di tuo interesse, scegliendo l'opzione Ignora la chat dal menu che si apre e premendo sulla dicitura Ignora nel riquadro ...

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