Come ripristinare l’Assistente Google?

To unlock Google Assistant on your Android phone or tablet, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings on your device or open the Google Assistant app.
  2. Click on Assistant settings.
  3. Tap on Voice Match in the "Most used settings" section.
  4. Configure the Voice Match and start with Hey Google.

Alternatively, you can say "Hey Google, open assistant settings" on your Android phone or tablet. You can also visit the Assistant settings section and tap on Lock screen in the "All settings" section. The option to allow the assistant on the lock screen can be toggled on or off.

If the voice commands of Google Assistant are not working properly, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest version of the Google app.
  2. Tap on UPDATE when accessing the Google app in the Google Play Store.
  3. If the issue persists, wait for Google to resolve the problem.

To access the voice assistant, follow these steps:

  1. Allow Google Assistant to speak by entering the Assistant settings on your Android phone or tablet or by searching for "Assistant settings" in the Google Assistant app.
  2. Activate Hey Google after selecting the "Most used settings" section and Voice Match.

To use your voice to unlock your phone, follow these steps:

  1. In Google Assistant, go to Settings and choose Phone and Access with Voice Match to unlock the phone with your voice.
  2. Record a voice sample and use Voice Match to unlock with your voice.
  3. In the left menu, select Unlock device.
  4. Then select Unlock my device from the dropdown menu.

To get Google approval, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google app on your phone or tablet to enable voice search on Android.
  2. In the top right corner, select Settings or your profile picture.
  3. Then select Voice and click on Voice Match.
  4. Finally, select the option Hey Google.

To remove Samsung voice mode, follow these steps:

  1. Access the menu of your Samsung Smart Control by pressing the Menu button.
  2. Choose System, then Voice Recognition, Voice TV, and finally OFF.

To unlock your iPhone with your voice, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and choose Accessibility.
  2. Click on Voice Control and then select Set Up Voice Control. The necessary files will be downloaded to your iPhone.
  3. Voice control will be configured and ready to use after tapping Continue.

To change the OK Google settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Assistant.
  2. Say "Hey Google, open assistant settings" on your Android phone or tablet.
  3. Choose what to do:
    • Click on the desired account to use a different account.
    • Click on Add another account to add a new account.

To use OK Google on Android, follow these methods:

  1. After setting up and activating the OK Google feature, simply say "OK Google" to call Google Assistant.
  2. At this point, the only way to receive a response from the phone is to speak your command.

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