Come attivare Waze su Android Auto?

Come far comparire le app su Android Auto?

La soluzione è semplicissima: ti basta aprire l'applicazione dallo smartphone per riattivarla. Attenzione: l'app devi aprirla dallo smartphone e non da Android Auto, anche perché lì non potrai trovarla. Al prossimo avvio di Android Auto dovresti trovare nuovamente l'applicazione pronta all'uso.
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  1. Connect your smartphone to your vehicle using a USB cable. Android Auto will start automatically.
  2. Tap on the Navigation tab at the bottom of the screen and select Waze.
  3. Say "OK Google" and tell Android Auto your desired destination.
  4. Enjoy your journey!

Troubleshooting Waze

If Waze is not functioning properly, try restarting your phone.

To force restart your phone without losing any data, follow these steps. After restarting, try navigating with Waze again.

How to Enable GPS on Waze

To allow Waze to use your phone’s location, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings.
  2. Select Privacy.
  3. Tap on Location Services.
  4. Choose Waze.
  5. Make sure the option "Always" or "While using the app" is selected.
  6. To get more accurate information, enable the "Precise Location" option.

How to Use GPS when it’s Not Working

To resolve the issue of GPS not working, the simplest and quickest action is to enable GPS to allow it to update. Toggle the GPS icon in the notification shade of your phone to turn it on or off. Locate the GPS icon by swiping down the notification shade. Wait at least five seconds after toggling it.

How to Download Waze

Waze can be downloaded from the Apple App Store (for iPhone and iPad) or the Google Play Store (for Android devices).

How to Connect Waze with Bluetooth

To connect Waze with Bluetooth, follow these steps:

  1. Press "My Waze" and then "Settings".
  2. Tap on "Sounds & Voice".
  3. Make sure the phone speaker option is not enabled.

How to Restore GPS Signal on Android

If the GPS on your Android device is not working, the first thing to do is go to the device settings and look for the "Location" option. Alternatively, you can swipe down the notification shade with one finger from the top of the screen and long-press the toggle switch with the GPS icon.

How to Check if GPS is Working

After accessing the secret Android menu, select "Sensor Test", "Service Test", or "Phone Information". In the screen that appears, tap on the option that corresponds to the GPS test, such as GPS.

Why GPS Signal is Not Working Properly

The GPS signal on your device may be lost in the following situations:

  • Your device is inside a building, tunnel, or any other place where buildings, trees, power lines, or other objects obstruct the GPS satellite reception.
  • The device’s system is not properly configured.

How to Access GPS on iPhone and Android

To activate GPS on iPhone and Android:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to the Location or Geolocation menu.
  3. Select the options for Location Access and High Accuracy or similar terms.
Perché non vedo tutte le app su Android Auto?
Se non riesci a trovare le tue app in Avvio app di Android Auto, potrebbero essere temporaneamente disattivate. Per risparmiare batteria, i telefoni Samsung disattivano temporaneamente le app che non usi da un po' di tempo.
Come si attiva Waze?
Tocca Gestione app. Tocca Autorizzazioni. Tocca Avvio automatico. Attiva "Waze".
Come mettere la macchina su Waze?
Tocca Visualizzazione mappa. Tocca Icona Auto. Seleziona un'auto.

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