Come sincronizzare account Firefox?
To associate Firefox for Android with your desktop, follow these steps:
- Tap the menu button.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Enable Sync.
- Open Firefox on your computer and go to the link
- Tap the Ready to Scan button on the Sync Activation screen of the Firefox for Android application.
To preserve your Firefox bookmarks, follow these steps:
- Click on Bookmarks.
- Click on "Show All Bookmarks".
- Select Import and Backup, then choose Save.
- In the "Save File" window, choose a location to save the file with the name "data".
By simply registering with a Firefox account, you can access Mozilla services from any device using the Firefox browser. To create a Firefox account, you need a password and an email address.
The Firefox Bookmarks folder is located on your computer in the following directory: Mozilla > Firefox > Profiles > [profilename].default
and the backup of bookmarks.
To transfer your Firefox bookmarks from one computer to another, follow these steps:
- Open Firefox on the computer where the bookmarks are located.
- Open the bookmarks library by pressing CTRL+Shift+B simultaneously.
- Go to the "Import and Backup" menu.
- Choose "Export Bookmarks to HTML", select a folder to save the JSON file.
If you accidentally delete your Mozilla bookmarks, you can access the bookmarks manager to recover them. Follow these steps:
- Press CTRL+Shift+B to open the bookmarks manager.
- Press CTRL+Z to undo the previous operation.
To delete your Firefox account, please visit the following URL:
- Use your credentials to log in to the account if you are not already logged in.
- Scroll down and click on the "Delete" button.
- To confirm, enter your password.
- Click the red button to delete the account.
To create a Firefox account, follow these steps:
- Click on the menu button.
- Click on the "Sign in" button next to "Sync and Save".
- Click on "Continue" after entering your email address.
- Fill out the form to create an account and click "Create Account".
- Firefox Accounts will send an email for confirmation.
To access your Firefox account using an existing account, follow these steps:
- Visit the Mozilla Add-ons website.
- Click on "Sign In".
- Click on "Login" after entering your email address and password.
To access bookmarks in your digital book at any time, use the following methods:
- Use the left toolbar to access the page with the bookmark. The icon color will be blue.
- To access the index, tap or click on the "Bookmarks" tab.