Cosa si può fare con SketchUp?

Cosa permette di fare SketchUp?

Sketchup è un software di modellazione 3D che consente agli utenti di creare modelli 3D realistici e dettagliati utilizzando una vasta gamma di strumenti utili, ad esempio, per disegnare forme, creare linee e curvare superfici.
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From three-dimensional drawing to architecture and design applications, including graphics, three-dimensional designers and modelers, three-dimensional artists, and video game developers.

The main file type used by SketchUp is the SKP file, which allows you to quickly and easily create, view, and share conceptual projects. The SKP file is created when you create a new document and save it in SketchUp to store the document and its contents.

It is an easy-to-use 3D modeling application that allows you to create and modify 2D and 3D models using the patented "Push and Pull" technique. Designers can use the Push and Pull tool to extrude flat surfaces into three-dimensional shapes.

To create a rectangle in SketchUp, click on the "RECTANGLE" tool in the toolbar and choose the desired size.

By clicking on the corresponding icon in the "Large Tool Set" toolbar, which is available by default in the SketchUp interface, we can start the protractor. In the menu bar, click on "View, Toolbars, Large Tool Set" to show or hide this toolbar.

Choose the Drawing Utility option. Select the Unit tab. Choose the desired units in Drawing Units.

Stretch the surface with the Push/Pull tool to the desired width. Click on the Eraser tool while holding CTRL and erase the lines on the top and bottom so that the surface is "smooth".

Follow these steps:

  • Choose the camera position tool.
  • The ViewAround tool is automatically activated by SketchUp when you position the SketchUp camera with the Camera Position tool.
  • Choose the walk tool.

By using SketchUp on smartphones and tablets.

To launch it on your Android smartphone or tablet, go to the specific section of the Play Store. Then, click on the Install button, choose Accept, and wait for the download to finish. Then click on the Open button.

In most cases, it is sufficient to download and install one of the applications, then open the original SKP file, choose "Save as" and choose the destination file, in this case PDF, from the available formats.

Chi usa SketchUp?
Gli utenti principali sono i settori dell'architettura, dell'edilizia, dell'ingegneria e dell'interior design.
Che tipi di modelli si possono ottenere con il software SketchUp?
Sketchup supporta in importazione ed esportazione diversi formati grafici: esportazione modelli 3D: 3DS, DWG, DXF, FBX, OBJ, VRML, XSI (solo versione Pro) KMZ, COLLADA (entrambe le versioni)

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