Quale raccolta si vuole sincronizzare OneDrive?

Come scegliere le cartelle da sincronizzare su OneDrive?

Passa alla scheda Account. Seleziona Scegli cartelle. Nella finestra di dialogo Scegli cartelle, deseleziona le cartelle che non vuoi sincronizzare con il computer e seleziona OK.
Leggi di più su support.microsoft.com

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Installation of Sync Client

To synchronize any collection of Microsoft SharePoint/SharePoint Online, Office 365, or OneDrive for Business (Team Site), it is necessary to install the sync client. Additionally, you need to have the ability to use the content both online and offline.

File Synchronization

What is file synchronization? When you sign in, your Google contacts are synchronized with your Android device. To keep your contacts up to date and provide a backup, changes to contacts will be automatically synchronized.

Restarting OneDrive Sync

Trick 1: Restart the Microsoft OneDrive sync client application on your computer.

  1. Click on the Microsoft OneDrive cloud icon.
  2. Click on the "Exit" option.
  3. At the bottom of the dialog box, select "Close Microsoft OneDrive".

OneDrive Update

Office applications, including OneDrive for Business and educational institutions, have not been updated. By selecting the "Update Options" button and choosing "Enable Updates," you can enable updates.

Accessing OneDrive

How can I access OneDrive? To access files temporarily, go to the OneDrive web portal and choose "Unlock Account". Within 30 days, you must remove enough files to meet the storage limit.

Disabling Automatic Sync on Android

Disable automatic sync:

  1. Select the phone’s "Settings" application.
  2. Click on "Accounts".
  3. Tap on the account you want to sync if you have multiple accounts on your phone.
  4. Click on "Account Sync".
  5. Disable the applications you do not want to be automatically synchronized.

Disabling Phone Sync

Disabling automatic sync is the first thing to do. Go to the menu and choose "Data Usage". Then, select "Auto Sync". Sync can be disabled by unchecking the box next to this section.

Viewing Synced Devices

Device Management:

  1. Select "Security" in the left navigation pane.
  2. Manage all devices in the "Your Devices" pane. The devices that your Google account is currently connected to or that you have logged into in the past few weeks will be displayed.

Disabling Link Sharing

To disable link sharing, click on "Edit advanced sharing settings" again, then click on the other network profile and select "Turn off file and printer sharing" to disable file sharing for the other type of connection.

Removing Link Sharing

  1. Click on the share icon, which appears as a rectangle with an upward arrow.
  2. Click on "[x]", which allows users to access.
  3. Click on the dropdown menu next to the name of the person you want to remove from the file.
  4. Remove by clicking on "Remove".
Cosa sincronizza OneDrive?
OneDrive consente di sincronizzare i file tra il computer e il cloud, in modo da potervi accedere ovunque: dal computer, dal dispositivo mobile e persino tramite il sito Web OneDrive su OneDrive.com.
Dove sono salvati i documenti che OneDrive deve sincronizzare?
Una volta sincronizzati, i file compariranno in Esplora file. In un Mac i file verranno visualizzati nella cartella OneDrive nel Finder. Se si usano più account, i file personali vengono visualizzati in OneDrive - Personale e quelli di lavoro o scuola in OneDrive - [nome società].
Come scegliere cosa condividere su OneDrive?
Condividere file da OneDrive Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul file e scegliere Condividi. Condividi sulla barra multifunzione. Selezionare la persona con cui si vuole condividere il file nell'elenco a discesa oppure immettere un nome o un indirizzo di posta elettronica.

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