Come resettare un telefono bloccato Samsung?

Quali sono i tasti per resettare un Samsung?

Premi contemporaneamente i tasti Volume Su e tasto Blocco fino a visualizzare la schermata di Recovery. Scorri utilizzando i tasti del volume fino alla voce: Wipe data/Factory reset. Conferma con il tasto Blocco. Completa selezionando Reboot System Now.
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To enter the recovery mode of your Samsung device, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Volume Up + Home + Power buttons simultaneously for approximately ten seconds.
  2. Do not release the buttons until the device vibrates.
  3. Once the "Android Recovery" message appears on the screen, release the Power button but continue holding the Volume Up button.

To unlock your Samsung phone, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Lock my screen" option.
  2. Enter a new PIN in the designated area.
  3. You will see a button that says "Lock" at the bottom; click on it.
  4. After a few minutes, the system will change the security method to the PIN you just created, allowing you to access your Samsung phone.

To unlock your phone without a PUK, you can visit an authorized service center of your phone provider and request a new SIM card.

When you received your device, you should have received a physical or virtual envelope containing the security codes of the device: PIN, PUK, and Emergency Code. The PIN, consisting of eight characters, is used to activate the signature device.

To unlock the phone using the PUK code, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the code: 05, PUK code, PIN code, and PIN number.

To remove the screen lock on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Find the "Security" option.
  3. Click on "Screen Lock" in the new screen.
  4. Choose either "Swipe" or "None" as the unlock method for your Android smartphone.
  5. If necessary, enter the PIN.

To disable the lock screen on Android devices and access the menu, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Choose "Lock Screen".
  3. In the list, select "None".

The screen of your device will automatically turn off and lock if it is not used for a certain period of time. You can use your device without unlocking it when the screen is active.

To remove the screen lock on Xiaomi devices, follow these steps:

  1. Find the "Password and Security" section by scrolling through the various options.
  2. Tap on "Screen Lock" in this section.
  3. Depending on the type of lock you have set, enter the unlock pattern or PIN.
Come resettare da zero un Samsung bloccato?
Tenete premuti contestualmente il pulsante Accensione + Volume alto: 4) Una volta eseguito l'accesso alla schermata Recovery, scorrete fino alla voce Wipe data/factory reset utilizzando i tasti Volume + e -.
Come si ripristina un telefono bloccato?
Da Assistente Google selezionate Impostazioni>,Dispositivi>,Telefono>,Accedi con Voice Match. Registrate un campione della vostra voce, e poi abilitate la voce Sblocca con Voice Match. - cliccate su "Sbloccare il dispositivo" nel menu a sinistra, e dal menu a discesa fate clic su "Sblocca il mio dispositivo".
Come riavviare un telefono Samsung bloccato?
Se lo schermo si blocca o il dispositivo smette di rispondere mentre lo utilizzi, puoi eseguire il riavvio forzato tenendo premuti contemporaneamente il tasto Laterale e il tasto Volume giù.

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