Come convertire un file pdf in un file con estensione p7m?

Come cambiare formato da PDF a p7m?

cliccare "Firma" , selezionare il file *. pdf da firmare, scegliere dal menu a tendina la tipologia di firma "Busta crittografica p7m - Cades" -
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How to Open and Convert p7m Files

To open a p7m file, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Firma".
  2. Choose the PDF document file you want to sign.
  3. Select the "p7m Cades" signature type from the dropdown menu.
  4. Proceed with the signing process.

Opening p7m Files with Software

To read files with the p7m extension, you can use appropriate software like Dike. If you don’t have it installed, you can download it for free on your computer.

Opening p7m Files Online

Alternatively, you can use the online service PosteCert to read p7m files directly on the web without installing any software. Simply click on the attachment and select the p7m file you want to read. Then, click on the "verify signature" button.

Converting p7m Files to PDF

If you want to convert a p7m file to PDF using a free website, you can use MKT.IT. It is an online platform dedicated to electronic invoices, where you can easily view p7m files and export them to PDF format for free. The website is easily accessible and user-friendly.

Understanding p7m Files

The p7m extension (CAdES Signature) identifies digital documents with an attached digital signature. The signed file uses the p7m extension in addition to the original file extension.

Opening p7m Files with Poste Italiane

To open a digitally signed file (or p7m file) with Poste Italiane, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "sfoglia" button to choose the file saved on your computer.
  2. Click on "apri" to open the file.
  3. Press "confermo" (or "accetto e verifico" or "verifica", depending on the certifying entity used) multiple times.

Opening p7m Files with Dike

For those in need of a p7m file reader, there is also the Dice GoSign app version. Once Dike is launched, you can access the p7m file by clicking on "Verifica".

Opening p7m Files on a Smartphone

To use p7m files on Android, you need to download one of the numerous dedicated apps, such as "Visualizzatore fattura elettronica". This free application can open an XML file and can be downloaded directly from the Play Store and other stores. Use P7M to view the invoice inside.

Opening p7m Files without Downloading Anything

The InfoCert service is the first online service available to open files with the p7m extension. To use it, go to the service’s website, select the "Verifica firma digitale" tab at the bottom, and click on the "Scegli file" button.

Opening p7m Files on Aruba

To quickly open a p7m file on Aruba, double-click on the file. ArubaSign will automatically launch, and after a while, the p7m file verification window will open. In this window, you can view various data related to the digital signature and the documents contained within.

Come salvare un file in PDF p7m?
si consiglia di salvare il file . p7m in locale sul vostro Pc mettendo la spunta su Salva file e poi su ok. Aprire quindi il programma di firma digitale presente sul vostro Pc (FirmaCerta, Dike GoSign, ArubaSign, etc..): cliccare su Visualizza e selezionare il file .
Come creare un file PDF p7m?
Selezionare la tipologia di firma che dovrà essere “Firma P7M (CAdES) e cliccare sul tasto “Continua”. Apparirà la schermata dove verrà chiesto di inserire il PIN Page 2 Digitare il PIN relativo alla smartcard utilizzata e se la cartella di destinazione è corretta cliccare sul tasto “Firma” in basso a destra.
Cosa è un PDF p7m?
p7m è un file firmato digitalmente. La sua apertura consiste nella verifica della validità della firma e nella visualizzazione del documento ricorrendo al software GRATUITO di firma GoSign Desktop disponibile sul sito di Firma Digitale.

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