Come attivare Marketplace Facebook?

Come mai non vedo Marketplace su Facebook?

Per usare Marketplace, devi soddisfare i seguenti requisiti: Avere già usato Facebook. Per proteggere la community di Marketplace dalle truffe, gli account creati di recente non possono usare Marketplace. Se hai creato un account recentemente, torna in un secondo momento per controllare se riesci ad accedere.
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To access Facebook Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Select the three horizontal lines that lead to the menu with all the options.
  3. Choose the "Marketplace" tab.

Troubleshooting Access to Facebook Marketplace

If the Marketplace icon is not visible in the main menu, there are several ways to try to access it:

  • Try disabling or reinstalling the Facebook application.
  • Regularly use your account if it is new.
  • Change your location.

Ways to Enter the Marketplace

There are two ways to enter the Facebook Marketplace:

  1. Through the web version of the social network.
  2. Through the application.

To publish an ad on Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Access Facebook.
  2. Click on the Marketplace icon.
  3. Publish your ad.

Troubleshooting Issues with Facebook Marketplace

If you are unable to access the Marketplace, try the following solutions:

  • Disconnect from Facebook and log in again.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of the browser installed on your personal computer.
  • Alternatively, download the latest available update.

Publishing on Marketplace

If you encounter the message "There are issues with the product" while publishing, it means that your ad violates the site’s commerce policies. There can be several causes for this error.

To update the Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Select the orders you want to be shipped through your sales channels.
  2. Click on the blue button > Update shipping data.
  3. You can also filter your shipments and select all with one click.

Restoring the Marketplace Icon on Facebook

To access the side menu on the social network, follow these steps:

  1. Press the ☰ icon in the Facebook smartphone and tablet apps.
  2. Activate the Marketplace icon in the quick links bar.
  3. Click on the "Settings and Privacy" section.
  4. Go to the "Settings" section.
  5. Select the "Quick Links" section.
  6. Finally, click on the quick links bar.

Viewing Your Ads on the Marketplace

To view your ads on the marketplace using the mobile browser, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Facebook in the top right corner.
  2. Go to the Marketplace. If you don’t see it, click on "More…"
  3. Select "Recent Activity".
  4. Subscribe to your ads.
  5. Tap next to the ad you want to modify.
  6. Click on "Edit Ad".
  7. To save the changes, select "Update".

Accessing Marketplace Authorization

If you have violated the sales rules or community rules, you may no longer have authorization to access Marketplace. In this case, you need to:

  1. Access
  2. Choose "Request Review".
  3. Within a day, your appeal will be reviewed and a response will be provided.

Changes to Facebook Marketplace

New Facebook users may not see the Marketplace at all. This is done to prevent scammers from creating new accounts and selling fake products immediately after their previous accounts have been banned from the platform. The dynamic menu does not display it.

Come Riattivare Marketplace?
Come riattivare un Amazon Marketplace Per poter sbloccare uno o più Marketplaces disattivati occorre individuare il problema, effettuare delle azioni correttive sull'Account e redigere un Piano d'Azione chiaro, completo e strutturato secondo le regole imposte da Amazon per la sua creazione.
Come si fa ad avere Marketplace su Facebook?
Se utilizzi Android devi invece toccare sull'icona con la tua immagine del profilo (in alto a destra). Nella pagina che si aprirà troverai subito la sezione Marketplace. Se hai un iPhone, ti basterà toccare la tua immagine del profilo in basso a destra e poi, nella nuova pagina, selezionare Marketplace.
Come faccio a sbloccare Marketplace su Facebook?
Per attivare l'icona di Marketplace nella barra dei collegamenti rapidi di Facebook, tramite l'app per smartphone e tablet, premi sull'icona ☰, per visualizzare il menu laterale del social network. Fatto ciò, fai tap sulle voci Impostazioni e privacy >, Impostazioni >, Collegamenti rapidi >, Barra dei collegamenti rapidi.

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