Come partire volontario per l’esercito?

Come fare la leva militare volontaria?

Per diventare VFP1 Esercito è necessario fare domanda di partecipazione al Concorso Pubblico per Volontario in Ferma Prefissata di un anno. I VFP1 Esercito vengono incorporati attraverso tre distinti Bandi di Concorso.
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To change your company password, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Pass an internal competition to become a permanent volunteer.
  • Have served at least four years in the military.
  • Have not been on leave for more than two years.

To change your password, follow these steps:

  1. Use your institutional or company account to access
  2. Select > Settings > and choose Password.
  3. Add your previous password.
  4. Create a new password and confirm it.
  5. To complete the password change, click Submit.

To link your OTP, follow these steps:

  1. Access the specific page to activate your Remote Signature – OTP Mobile.
  2. After receiving the email, click on "ACTIVATE REMOTE SIGNATURE."
  3. Enter your Tax Code (or any other required document from the dropdown menu) on the Activate Your Signature page.
  4. Receive the Secret Code via SMS to the indicated number at the time of purchase.

To add a new OTP token, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the "Add" button at the bottom right.
  2. Choose the "Add OTP" option.
  3. Enter your Tax Code and the associated phone number to create an OTP.
  4. The phone number should be the same one used during registration.

To create an OTP, enter your Tax Code and associated mobile number, which should be the same number used during registration. The label to apply to the OTP token is indicated in the "OTP Name" field. You can choose the name.

The height requirements for entry as troop volunteers are 1.65 meters for men and 1.61 meters for women. The limits for Carabinieri officers are 1.70 meters for men and 1.65 meters for women.

The salary and ranks of military personnel:

  • The salary of an Italian Army soldier can vary from a minimum of 17,000 euros gross per year to a maximum of 25,000 euros gross per year, depending on various possible additional contributions.
  • A soldier participating in a mission receives a higher compensation.

The VFP1 service lasts for 12 months and allows young people who must fulfill their military service, as well as those who want to have a different training and professional experience than just military service, to perform functions of greater responsibility and receive a monthly salary.

To access an university account, follow these steps:

  1. Before accessing, visit and click "Go to Classroom."
  2. Click "Next" after entering the email address of your Classroom account.
  3. Click "Next" after entering the password.
  4. If you see a welcome message, read it and click "Accept."

To add or remove an account:

  1. Open the Gmail application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Click on the profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Add a new account."
  4. Choose the type of account you want to include.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to add an account.
Quanto guadagna un volontario Esercito?
La retribuzione media mensili per Vfp1 presso Esercito Italiano - Italia è di circa €1.154, che è pari alla media nazionale.
Come fare per arruolarsi nell'Esercito?
Come posso partecipare ai Concorsi Esercito? Per tutti questi concorsi, la domanda di partecipazione deve essere inoltrata esclusivamente mediante procedura informatica, compilando il modulo di domanda online disponibile nella sezione dedicata ai concorsi del Ministero della Difesa sul sito ufficiale.
Quanto dura la leva militare volontaria?
dal 1987 ferma di leva di 12 mesi per Esercito/Aeronautica/Marina e 15 mesi per gli ufficiali di complemento, dal 1997 ferma di leva di 10 mesi per Esercito/Aeronautica/Marina, 12 mesi nell'Arma dei Carabinieri quale Carabiniere ausiliario e 14 mesi per gli ufficiali di complemento.

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