To install a Linux distribution like Ubuntu on your Windows 11 computer, follow these steps:
- Visit the Microsoft Store and select the Linux distribution you want to install, such as Ubuntu.
- Install the distribution as if it were a normal application.
- Once the installation is complete, you can find the distro in the Windows 11 Start menu.
Many people ask why Linux is considered superior to Windows. Here are some reasons:
- Security: Linux is extremely secure due to its difficulty in being attacked by viruses.
- Economic: Most of the installable software on Linux is completely free, making it an economical choice.
- Open Source: Linux is an open-source operating system, allowing for customization and modification.
Linux is constantly updated, making it more secure than Windows. Being developed as free software, Linux is a modular system with a repository system for program installation and updates, making it reliable for security.
While Windows is a commercial operating system with inaccessible source code, Linux is a free and open-source operating system. Unlike Windows, Linux is customizable and allows users to modify its code and appearance.
Instead of XP, we suggest installing Debian XFCE/LXDE. Debian is a secure and stable operating system, and the LXDE or XFCE desktop environment can be easily installed from DVD 1.
To install Ubuntu on a computer without an operating system, follow these steps:
- Make sure you have the Ubuntu installation CD.
- Alternatively, you can download Ubuntu directly from the official website. Choose the "Desktop Edition" and the processor type (32 or 64 bit).
To install Linux on a USB flash drive, follow these steps:
- Download the Ubuntu ISO file.
- Insert the USB flash drive into your device.
- Visit and choose Ubuntu Desktop.
- Copy the ISO file to the USB flash drive using Rufus or any other program of your choice.
To restore your data after installing Linux, follow these steps:
- Download the ISO of your preferred Linux distribution’s live environment.
- Burn it to a CD/DVD or write it to a USB drive.
- Download the multimedia files you just created.
- Use a partitioning tool like GParted to resize the ext4 partition.
Although a desktop installation of Linux requires about 5 gigabytes, it is recommended, and in some cases necessary, to have at least 10 gigabytes available.
To create a Linux virtual machine, follow these steps:
- Click on "New" to create a new virtual machine.
- In the top left of the menu, enter the operating system you want to emulate on the virtual machine in the next screen.
- Click the "Next" button to proceed.