Come togliere l’abbonamento ad un app?

Come interrompere un abbonamento app?

per cancellare l'abbonamento apri Google Play dal tuo cellulare, tocca in alto a sinistra le tre linee orizzontali, poi abbonamenti e individua l'abbonamento di "Reface app". Infine clicca su "annulla abbonamento".
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To cancel a subscription on a device like iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on your name.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Choose the subscription you want to manage. If you don’t see the subscription you’re looking for, find out what to do.
  5. Tap on Cancel Subscription.

Disabling paid apps is simple. To cancel the subscription of an Android app, just go to the subscriptions section of the Play Store and click on a specific button to disable it. The process is extremely straightforward.

Typically, disabling a subscription requires sending a text message with the word NO or STOP to the specified number. Alternatively, you need to contact the company responsible for the subscription service (VAS) and follow the instructions provided by the recorded voice.

When an app’s data is deleted or archived, the data of the app is also deleted. The application will behave as if it has just been installed. You will need to log in again, grant necessary permissions, modify notification settings, and perform other similar operations.

Once the data of an application is deleted, its data is completely erased as if it has just been installed. Therefore, it is like resetting the application completely. If data of applications like Facebook is deleted, you need to restart the account and reconfigure all personalized options. Additionally, how can I restore Google Play on Android? The easiest method to restore Google Play on Android is to clear the cache, data assigned to the app, and any installed updates. To achieve this, open the Settings app, tap on the Google Play Store app, and navigate to the App/Applications/Manage applications menu.

Possible solutions include:

  1. Remove the data.
  2. Remove the updates.
  3. Link the Google profile.
  4. Perform additional beneficial operations.
  5. Check the internet connection.
  6. Verify the date and time.
  7. Restart the computer.
  8. Restart the device.
  9. Restore the Play Store.
  10. How to start using Play Store on HUAWEI.

To access your Google account, as well as any Google product, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the login page of the product, which can be found at for Google Account.
  2. Enter your Gmail username (the part before "").
  3. Sign in with the password.

To add and use an account in the Google Play Store:

  1. If you don’t have a Google account yet, create one.
  2. Open the device’s Settings app.
  3. Tap on Accounts to add a new account. Google Inc.
  4. Follow the guidelines to add an account.
  5. Repeat these steps to add other accounts if necessary.

Your phone may not support Google Play Service due to firmware issues. If the error occurs after updating the Android operating system, it may be due to the installed version.

Come eliminare un abbonamento di un app su iphone?
Vai in Impostazioni >, [Il tuo nome] >, Abbonamenti. Tocca un abbonamento, quindi tocca “Annulla abbonamento” o “Annulla tutti i servizi”.
Come faccio a sapere se ho degli abbonamenti attivi?
Apri l'app Impostazioni del dispositivo e tocca Google. Gestisci il tuo Account Google.Tocca Pagamenti e abbonamenti in alto.Tocca Gestisci gli acquisti, Gestisci gli abbonamenti o Gestisci le prenotazioni.Per ulteriori dettagli, seleziona un elemento.
Come annullare un acquisto su App Store?
Per annullare un ordine o un articolo, vai alla pagina Stato dell'ordine(Si apre in una nuova finestra). Sulla pagina I tuoi ordini, cerca l'articolo che vuoi annullare e seleziona Annulla articoli. Una volta inviata la richiesta di annullamento, lo stato dell'articolo cambierà in Annullato o Ritiro annullato.

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