Quanto costa FileMaker Pro?

Do people still use FileMaker Pro?

It's Not Being Discontinued. The FileMaker platform is a mature platform. It has been around for 30+ years, which is quite unique in the software world. To remain relevant, it must continue to change, which it has done incrementally with every new release.
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€ 42 mensili per ogni utente (fatturazione annuale)

Cosa posso fare poi con FileMaker?

FileMaker è una piattaforma di innovazione dei posti di lavoro. Fornisce strumenti sofisticati per la risoluzione di problemi e l’innovazione professionale in modo rapido, senza limiti legati a un luogo di lavoro specifico.

Inoltre, si potrebbe chiedere: Come posso scaricare FileMaker?

Inoltre, potrebbe sorgere la domanda: come posso scaricare FileMaker? Per scaricare il programma FileMaker, noto anche come FileMaker Cloud:

  • Nella home page, fare clic su "Download" o "Scarica FileMaker Pro".
  • Nella sezione Abbonamenti, scegli >Download> per avviare il download del certificato di licenza.
Is FileMaker Pro free?
FileMaker, Inc. provides free trial periods for FileMaker Pro Advanced and FileMaker Server in order to allow individuals to download, evaluate and try the FileMaker Platform. In order to ensure that trial lengths align more accurately with how trials are being used, we are making some adjustments to the program.
Is FileMaker Pro being discontinued?
FileMaker is not being discontinued FileMaker persists as a rapid application development solution, trusted by organizations worldwide. The latest version – FileMaker 2023, stands as a testament to its ongoing evolution, empowering developers to build the highest-performing, scalable, and reliable custom applications.
How much does FileMaker data API cost?
US$21 per user/month billed annually 2 GB outbound data transfer of FileMaker Data API/OData per user/month.

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