Come entrare nella cartella Spam?

Come andare nella cartella spam?

La cartella della posta indesiderata si trova subito sotto la cartella della posta in arrivo, sulla colonna sinistra del tuo account.
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To locate the Gmail spam folder, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. Scroll down using the scroll wheel or scroll bar on the left side of the screen until you find the "More" option.
  3. Click on "More" and select "Spam" from the options that appear.

Spam messages are automatically deleted like the trash, so once they are emptied, they cannot be recovered. Therefore, if your storage space is limited, you can avoid directly deleting emails in spam.

The Spam folder, also known as Junk or Bulk, contains emails from senders or domains blocked within BlueMail or marked as spam by the email provider.

To find spam email in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail on your computer to view the spam folder.
  2. At the top of the page, click on the down arrow in the search box.
  3. Select "Emails," "Spam," and "Trash" from the dropdown menu next to "Search."

To view the content of a spam email, click on the same email in the spam folder. The selected email’s content will be displayed, but images in the message body may not load until the email remains in the spam folder.

To restore desired emails by moving them from the Trash folder to the Inbox, use the "Move to Inbox" option. To recover deleted messages on Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail on a computer.
  2. Scroll down the left side of the page and click on "More."
  3. Select the checkbox next to the messages you want to move.
  4. Click on "Move to."
  5. Choose the location where you want to move the messages.

An email, contact, calendar item, or task is moved to the Deleted Items folder in the mailbox when deleted. If you want to find a deleted message, the first thing to do is to search for it in the Deleted Items folder.


  1. How to completely recover deleted mail messages in Outlook:
    • Step 1: Open the Deleted Items folder after logging into your Microsoft Outlook account.
    • Step 2: In the menu bar, click on the folder option and then select "Recover Deleted Items."

If there are multiple email accounts, there will be a Trash folder for each account. After holding down CTRL, select the Trash folder from the folder list.

Dove si trova la cartella spam?
Quando segnali un'email come spam, questa viene spostata dalla Posta in arrivo alla cartella Spam. È possibile che in futuro le email inviate dallo stesso mittente vengano inviate alla cartella Spam.
Come si fa a sbloccare gli spam?
Sul tuo smartphone o tablet Android, apri Google Messaggi .Tocca Foto del profilo o l'icona del profilo Altre opzioni. Messaggi bloccati e spam.Tocca Altre opzioni. Contatti bloccati.Trova il contatto nell'elenco e tocca Rimuovi. Sblocca. In alternativa, tocca Indietro .
Come trovare i messaggi spam su Samsung?
Per procedere, apri dunque l'app Messaggi e, poi, fai tap sul pulsante ⁝ che vedi in alto a destra. Ora seleziona la voce Impostazioni dal menu, successivamente, recati nel menu Blocca numeri e spam e, da qui, seleziona la voce Messaggi bloccati.

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