Come si crea un account Samsung?

A cosa serve avere un Account Samsung?

Samsung Account è un servizio che ti consente di usufruire dei contenuti Samsung su smartphone, tablet, siti web, TV e così via. Potrai utilizzare più servizi Samsung con un unico Samsung Account, senza doverti registrare per ogni servizio separatamente.
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To create a Samsung account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Account" menu.
  2. Choose "Add account".
  3. Select "Samsung Account".
  4. Click on the "Create an account" button.
  5. Read and accept the terms of use.
  6. Receive a reward for creating an account.

The Purpose of a Samsung Smart TV Account

An account for a Samsung Smart TV serves various purposes. With this account, you can:

  • Access a variety of services.
  • Download desired applications for your devices.
  • Listen to music and radio.
  • Consult and read books, newspapers, and magazines.

Finding Your Samsung Account

To find your Samsung account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Applications screen on your Samsung device.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Choose the General tab.
  4. Select a Samsung account from the list.
  5. Enter the "Account settings" menu.
  6. Choose "Support".
  7. Find the ID or password you have forgotten.

Creating a Samsung Account on Your Mobile Phone

Creating a Samsung account on your mobile phone is simple:

  1. Open the Settings application on your phone.
  2. Scroll down and select "Cloud and account".
  3. Choose "Add account".
  4. Check the Accounts.
  5. You will see a list of all available accounts for your phone.

Recovering Your Samsung Account Password

To recover your Samsung account password, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Applications menu on your Samsung.
  • Access the settings.
  • Choose the General tab and then select "Account".
  • Select your Samsung profile from the list.
  • Look for the help section in the account settings.
  • You will find an option called "Forgot your password or ID".

Downloading Apps on Your Samsung Smart TV

To download apps on your Samsung Smart TV, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the TV and press the Smart Hub button (Home icon) on the remote.
  2. Select "Apps" by navigating on the screen.
  3. Choose the Search icon.
  4. Enter the name of the app you want to install.

Adding DAZN to Samsung Smart TVs

To add DAZN to Samsung Smart TVs, follow these steps:

  • Verify that your device is connected to the internet to access the Samsung App Store.
  • Use the search function and type "DAZN" in the designated field, or search for the DAZN app in the sports section.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

Finding Your Passwords

Passwords saved in your Google account are stored. You can view all accounts with saved passwords by visiting or using Chrome. Remember to log in again to view them.

Recovering and Removing Your Samsung Account Password

To recover or remove your Samsung account password, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Connect" to access the official Samsung website.
  2. Click on "Forgot your ID or password?" as shown in the image.
  3. You can recover your ID or password.

Recommended Apps on Samsung Smart TVs

Here is a list of the best apps for Samsung Smart TVs in 2021:

  • YouTube
  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • BBC News
  • Google Play Store
  • PlayStation Now (PSN)
  • VUDU
  • SteamLink
Come creare un Account su Samsung?
Accedete alla pagina web dell'account Samsung e selezionate la voce Crea account.Cliccate su Accetto per accettare, per l'appunto, i termini e le condizioni, i termini di servizio e l'informativa sulla privacy.More items...•
Come creare un nuovo utente su Samsung?
Scorrere verso il basso e selezionare “Sistema”, nei tablet Samsung su “Account e backup”,Selezionare “Utente”,Attivare l'interruttore per consentire “Utilizza più utenti”,Toccare “Aggiungi utente” o “Aggiungi ospite”,Confermare su “Ok”,More items...•

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