Come accendere Smart TV Samsung con la voce?

Come accendere TV con comando vocale?

Comandare la TV con Google Home Per accendere il televisore è sufficiente pronunciare il comando “OK Google, accendi la TV” oppure “Hey Google, accendi [nome dispositivo]”.
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How to Use Voice Recognition to Turn on the TV

  1. Go to the Smart Functions menu.
  2. Choose voice recognition.
  3. Select either Smart TV or Ciao TV.
  4. Choose the wake-up word to turn on the TV.
  5. Use the physical buttons on the TV to turn it on if you don’t have the remote. The power button is usually located on the back or bottom of the device.

How to Use Alexa to Turn off Samsung TV

  1. Connect Alexa to your Samsung TV.
  2. Use the following voice commands to turn off or on the TV:
    • "Alexa, start the TV!"
    • "Alexa, turn off the TV!"

How to Enable Alexa to Change TV Channels

  1. Activate the Broadlink skill to change TV channels with Alexa.
  2. Use the following voice commands:
    • "Alexa, raise/lower the volume of the TV/Device name."
    • "Alexa, raise the volume by 2."
    • "Alexa, next channel."
    • "Alexa, previous/next channel."
    • "Alexa, go to channel 44."
    • "Alexa, turn on/off."
    • "Alexa, mute the TV."

How to Set Up Alexa

  1. Download and sign in to the Alexa app.
  2. Follow the setup instructions after logging in.
  3. Use the wake-up word "Alexa" to activate the voice assistant.

How to Connect Alexa with LG ThinQ

  1. Install the "LG ThinQ" app on your Android or iPhone.
  2. Create an account and log in to the app.
  3. Go to the Alexa app and select "More > Skills & Games" to install the "LG ThinQ" skill.
  4. Discover the skill by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner.

How to Reset Alexa

  1. Press and hold the Action button for 20 seconds to restart the device.
  2. Wait for the light ring to turn off and then turn back on.
  3. The device will enter setup mode. Follow the instructions to set up Echo Dot.
  4. Reset the device if the problem persists.

How to Update Alexa

  1. Say "Alexa, go to settings" or tap on the device options and select "Check for Software Updates."
  2. Wait for Echo to check for new updates.

What to Do When Alexa Freezes

  1. Press and hold the Action button on the device for 25 seconds.
  2. Wait for the notification of the reset through the light ring.
  3. Reconnect to the Alexa app and repeat the setup process.

Alexa Service Pricing

The cost of Alexa ranges from €29.99 to €249.99, depending on the chosen model and technical specifications. The Echo Flex is the cheapest device in Amazon’s proprietary line, while the 3rd generation Echo Show is the most expensive.

Come attivare la guida vocale TV Samsung?
Una volta configurato sul tuo TV Samsung, ti basta tenere premuto il tasto del microfono sul telecomando per parlare con Alexa. Se il tuo TV dispone della funzionalità senza mani, puoi attivare l'assistente vocale semplicemente dicendo "Alexa".
Come attivare la voce su Samsung?
Nella home page, clicca l'icona Più opzioni (tre puntini). 3 Accedi alla sezione “Impostazioni”. 4 Clicca “Attivazione vocale”. 5 Trascina il cursore “Attiva con Hi, Bixby” verso destra per attivare la funzione e verso sinistra per disattivarla.
Come funziona telecomando vocale Samsung?
I telecomandi compatibili con la funzione di telecomando vocale sono dotati di un pulsante MIC e di un microfono incorporato. Chiedere a Google di cercare film, avviare le app, riprodurre musica e controllare il televisore, tutto con la voce. Premere il pulsante Assistente Google (o MIC) sul telecomando per cominciare.

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