Quando un sito ti nega la connessione?

Cosa fare quando un sito rifiuta la connessione?

Svuota la cache e i cookie del browser. ... Verifica se l'errore si verifica su diversi siti web. ... Riavvia il computer e il router. ... Controlla la tua connessione Internet. ... Disabilita il tuo firewall o programma antivirus. ... Disattiva le impostazioni del server proxy o la VPN.More items...
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When a website fails to connect, there are several steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Restart the router.
  2. Clear the browser cache.
  3. Verify and adjust proxy settings if necessary.
  4. Temporarily disable antivirus software and firewall.

If the problem persists, try the following:

  • Restart the router.
  • Clear the cache.
  • Check the proxy settings.
  • Modify DNS servers.
  • Disable Chrome extensions.
  • Disable antivirus and firewall.

If the issue still persists, try the following steps:

  1. Restart your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
  2. Often, a simple restart can resolve the problem.
  3. Try again after restarting the device.

A connection refusal occurs when the system chooses to reject an incoming connection request. This can happen due to various reasons, such as internal policies or a high number of active connections.

To fix an insecure connection, you can follow these recommendations:

  • Update your browser.
  • Clear cookies and browser cache.
  • Refresh the page.
  • Check the computer’s time.
  • Verify antivirus software.
  • Use an SSL-certified check.
  • Apply HTTPS everywhere.

If you encounter a message preventing the establishment of a secure connection, follow these steps:

  1. Close the browser page.
  2. Click on "Settings."
  3. Click on "Account."
  4. Scroll down after clicking on "Account."
  5. Check the "Automatically sync data" option.

To remove a secure connection, follow these steps:

  1. Disable the secure connection in the browser window before establishing a secure connection.
  2. In the browser window where the secure connection procedure is displayed, click on the "Cancel" button to disable the secure connection.

To allow Chrome to access the network, follow these steps:

  1. Type "firewall" in the search box and open the "Firewall and Network Protection" program.
  2. Click on "Allow an app through firewall."
  3. All the applications installed on your computer will be listed here. Check the Google Chrome box and click on "Change settings."

Disabling the Google Chrome proxy server is as easy as:

  1. Choose "Settings."
  2. Click on "Advanced."
  3. Open the proxy settings in the System section. In Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, the Internet Properties window will open.
  4. Disable the automatic identification settings in the automatic proxy configuration.

When you see the error message "Your connection is not private," it means that your browser is warning you that your internet connection is not secure.

Perché un sito non è raggiungibile?
Potresti vedere l'errore “Impossibile raggiungere il sito” se il tuo IP ha attivato una delle regole di sicurezza e il firewall ti ha bloccato. Il team di supporto dell'hosting può controllare se alcuni indirizzi IP sono bloccati e sbloccarli.
Perché non riesco ad accedere ad alcuni siti?
Nella maggior parte dei casi, l'errore deriva da problemi con la vostra connessione internet o con le impostazioni DNS e la cache.
Come sbloccare il sito non può fornire una connessione protetta?
Verifica il certificato SSL del tuo sito.Cancella i tuoi dati di navigazione.Cancella il tuo stato SSL.Disabilitare il protocollo QUIC in Google Chrome.Disattivare le estensioni del browser.More items...

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