Come si vede chi ha visualizzato un post su Instagram?

Come faccio a vedere chi visualizza i miei post su Instagram?

L'indicatore delle visualizzazioni apparirà nella parte superiore del post pubblicato su Threads. Qui verrà mostrato un singolo numero che indicherà tutte le visualizzazioni generate, incluse quelle provenienti da Instagram.
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To determine the number of people who have viewed and liked your posts on Twitter, you can use the following steps:

  1. View the number of views below the post.
  2. View the number of likes for each video.
  3. Additionally, you can also see the list of people who have liked the post.

To view the views of your posts on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Facebook app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. On the main screen, go to the Stories section.
  3. Tap on the "Your Story" tab.
  4. Click on the Views option to see the names of users who have viewed your Story.

If you are unable to see the views on Instagram, try updating both the application and the operating system of your smartphone (Android or iOS). If the problem persists, you can try reinstalling the application to fix any bugs.

On Facebook, only pages can view the views of posts and photos. You cannot view the views obtained from photos and posts that have been published on personal profiles. To see how many people have viewed a post published on a page, click on the name of the page.

To check who has viewed your stories on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram application on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on your profile picture at the top left, where it says "Your Story."
  3. Swipe up from the bottom.
  4. A list of everyone who has viewed your video will be displayed.

To identify the people who follow your posts on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on your name at the top right to see who reads your posts on Facebook.
  2. Scroll down to the post you want to edit.
  3. On the top right of the post, click on "Edit Audience."
  4. Select who can see the post from the options displayed, such as "Public," "Friends," or "Only Me."

To view the views on Facebook afterward, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Facebook at the top right.
  2. Click on Pages to access your Page.
  3. Click on the statistics data at the top of the page.
  4. Scroll down to access Page Views.

To understand how the number of views a video receives on Facebook works, and to determine the number of views for a video, follow these steps:

  1. Only the Facebook apps for Android and iPhone can display the number of views for a video.
  2. If the "Public" setting is used to share a video, the number of views will be displayed below the video.
  3. To see who has viewed a live stream on Facebook in real-time, tap on the "Your Viewers" icon and wait for a window to open showing the list of users currently watching.

Instagram does not allow you to see who has viewed your reels specifically, but you can see the number of people who have watched them. Additionally, you can always see a list of those who have liked and left comments on your video.

Come vedere chi ha visualizzato un post?
Vai al post e clicca su Visualizza gli insights in basso. Ecco alcune informazioni sulle prestazioni tra quelle disponibili: Copertura: il numero di persone che hanno visualizzato il post almeno una volta (questa metrica rappresenta una stima).
Come vedere se qualcuno visualizza su Instagram?
A questo punto, se nella nuova pagina apertasi vedi la dicitura Visualizzato immediatamente sotto il messaggio che hai inviato, significa che la persona ha letto il messaggio, in caso contrario, se sotto il messaggio non vedi alcuna dicitura, significa che la persona non ha visto il messaggio.
Perché non riesco a vedere le visualizzazioni su Instagram?
Se il tuo account è impostato su Privato, potresti non vedere le visualizzazioni del video finché il video non ne ha raggiunto un determinato numero. Il numero di visualizzazioni sarà indicato solo per i video aggiunti dopo il 19 novembre 2015.

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