Come leggere un messaggio di testo senza aprire un Android

Tutti conoscono questa situazione: è arrivato un messaggio, voglio leggerlo, ma non c'è la possibilità o la voglia di rispondere subito.

In questo caso, vengono in soccorso piccoli trucchi e programmi speciali, che permettono di scoprire il contenuto della lettera in modo che l'interlocutore non se ne sia accorto, e non sia rimasto offeso dalla disattenzione.

Un modo per tutti i messaggeri istantanei

L'opzione più semplice e ovvia è quella di leggere i messaggi sulla barra di notifica dello smartphone.

  • Su iOS, è necessario scorrere il dito a sinistra in base al messaggio sul pannello e cliccare su "Guarda"
  • Su Android: il testo è visibile nella "tenda" cadente.

Veramente, in questo modo solo brevi repliche dell'interlocutore potranno essere viste completamente.

How to quietly read messages in Viber

Viber allows you to disable reports on viewing messages in the official application.

Enough for this:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Disable the Watched option.

The function is available only in the mobile version, however, if you activate it from the phone, the changes will be valid on all devices.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

By default, the messenger notifies all participants of the correspondence about the status of chat messages.

A system with checkmarks is used to indicate:

  • one sent;
  • two - delivered;
  • gray is replaced by blue - read.

Disabling this function is possible only in dialogs, in group chats the system remains unchanged.

In the mobile application you need to go to the "Settings" section, then select:

  1. "Account" (account).
  2. “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”).
  3. Toggle the toggle switch in the "Read Reports" field.

After that, WhatsApp will no longer highlight read messages in blue.

If you change the setting in the mobile application, the new settings will also apply on the computer.

Desktop widget for whatsapp

To secretly read a message on WhatsApp, you can install a special widget on your smartphone’s desktop.

The application allows you to open text messages without restrictions on the number of characters.

However, you won’t be able to see a photo or listen to audio through it.

To add a widget, you must:

  1. Hold a blank area of ​​the screen for a few seconds.
  2. Select "Widgets".
  3. In the list that appears, find the WhatsApp widget.
  4. Drag it to the desktop.

The method is available only to Android users.

Airplane Mode

If, before you open a message, turn off the Internet on your smartphone or put it into airplane mode, WhatsApp will not be able to send a read notification.

However, when resuming access to the network, an alert to the interlocutor will still be delivered.

You can solve the problem this way: after reading the message, exit the dialogue and touch the necessary one in the chat list.

Press until the message “Mark as unread” appears.

Then you can turn off the “Airplane” mode.


Jhon Max