Can I open a Windows PDF on Linux CentOS?

Most of distro comes with a built-in document viewer, unless you're using live version

Try following terminal commands to sort out if you have already any one of them (you can try double clicking to open it, but in case if you are new to Linux, or just better to try out)

In most DE you can use:

  1. xdg-open  

in Gnome, you also can use:

  1. gvfs-open 

(xxx = some file extension). With this command the default app for "xxx" will be invoked (for example evince if you want to open pdf).

Or specifically:

  1. evince file2open.pdf 

Or (default for KDE):

  1. okular file2open.pdf 

If you successfully opened pdf, that means you already have a software which can open pdf.

Now try to open with double clicking. Se ti chiede un software da aprire, provane alcuni come Libreoffice, okular etc..

Se non hai ancora avuto successo, allora devi scaricare un software per aprirli. You can do it by typing following in terminal

  1. $ sudo apt-get install okular 
  2. OR 
  3. # yum install okular 

or you can install application you like. È possibile ottenere la sintassi in Internet nel caso in cui non si sa come scaricare da terminale su Linux. La maggior parte delle volte è sudo apt-get ma non posso spiegarlo meglio qui. Puoi trovare i dettagli su Internet.